shape of you

310 18 38

(Important A/N at end)

My eyes shot open. My breathing quick and haphazard. A layer of sweat coated my body and I shot up vertical. I sat in my bed for a few more minutes as my mind slowly drifted out of its dream state.

My head pounded with a headache and I could barely see straight as I stumbled my way to the bathroom.

I looked at my reflection and sighed at the sight of my frazzled raven hair. My eyes were slightly red and my head wouldn't stop spinning. I felt so dizzy and suddenly I felt my stomach do a flip. I rushed to the toilet just in time before my stomach emptied itself.

I stumbled out of the bathroom after throwing up for about twenty minutes and I chugged the bottle of water that was set on my beside table. I flopped back onto the bed face first and passed out again.

Ring ring ring

I groaned and reached for my ringing phone. I answer the call and croaked a 'hello'.


The voice said cheerfully.


"Are you busy tonight?"

"What day is it?"

"It's Tuesday."

"I swear it was just Thursday..."

"So are you free?"

"Yeah, I am, why?"

"Do you want to go to the club tonight?"

"Hope, you know I don't go to clubs."

"Oh right, why is that again?"

"Because the kind of people you find in clubs are not the kind of people who are looking for a lover."


"I don't want some random hookup Hope, I want someone who I can care for and that cares for me."

"There's nothing wrong with a little one night stand..."

"If you don't want commitment now you probably never will, come on Hope, we'll go to the bar instead. I went there last night. Invite who ever you like."

"Alright, see you there Danny."

"Bye Hope."

I clicked 'end call' and flopped back on the bed. Is there really any point searching for a lover anyways? I'm twenty one and the only real relationship I've had didn't end all that well. I'm beginning to loose hope that my special someone is even out there.

«Later that evening»

Me and my friends were all around the table taking shots. We were all chatting about who knows what at this point, we were all too tipsy to care. Shot after shot, we just kept going. I wanted to have some fun tonight.

The bar is a little crowded but no where near as rowdy as a club. I hear the door open and my eyes flicker to the door. A beautiful man walked in and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He wondered around a bit before he locked eyes with me. He winked and I gave him my signature smirk.

He walked towards me and sat down on the adjacent bar stool.

"I'll take one of whatever he's having."

The boy said to the bar tender, gesturing to me.

"What's your name, cutie?"

I asked him, the smirk still hadn't left my lips.

"Joey, what's yours hot stuff?"

I let out a small chuckle and he grinned.


The bar tender placed his drink on the bench and he sculled it.

"Do you want to dance?"


I pulled him onto the dance floor and a couple of my friends gave a wolf whistle. I kindly flipped them off.

A song I didn't know began to play. I wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics but it had a good beat. One lyric stuck out to me because it kind of described the situation; I'm love with the Shape Of You.

(A/N: Okay so this is chapter one of a 5 chapter short story that will be coming soon. So give me a follow and you can get all the notifications and info on it when it comes out :)

la la la (janiel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang