No longer a secret

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Hey everyone this is the first one shot in the book😄. Anywhere there's a italic writing or a writing that looks like this it means the person is thinking or talking to himself. 

://Erin's POV

I've just receive news that my best friend and college roommate Jason is in love with me, I went to sit on my bed while brainstorming on what to do with the new found information. I keep running it over and over in my head, should I feel special or should I feel  disgusted ?  When did Jason turn gay? do I reciprocate the feeling? Am i gay? should I confront him about it?  

Then as if a switch as turn on in my head  I remember that  I have my trusty eyeball that answers all my questions, I hop off my bed and search through the drawer on my dorm desk, I take up the shiny blue eyeball I remembered choosing this one because it remind me of Jason ocean blue eyes that sits perfectly on that handsome face of his wait what?  I am not gay, I can't  be gay, right? I mean I've been told that i look a lot like girl with my slender frame and round butt, ;-)but still I'm  straight, right?

"Should i confront Jason about his feeling for me,"I ask the eyeball while shaking it. I stood there staring at the yes that is  written across the eyeball, I return the eyeball to the drawer, then take out my phone and text Jason

To Jason: Where are you?

From Jason: I'm just leaving chemistry class, is something wrong?

To Jason: No there's nothing wrong, hurry and get to our dorm I want to speak with you.

From Jason: Did i do something wrong? if I did i'm really sorry.

To Jason: You did nothing wrong stupid just hurry and get to the dorm.

From Jason: Oki ;-) on my way.

I smile at the winky face Jason had sent me and I begin to mentally and physically prepare what i'm going to say.

://Jason's POV 

I texted Erin telling him I'm on my way, then i grab my bag and began running, I  knew it had to be something important since he rarely text me at this time.

Upon reaching my dorm I push the door and ran inside expecting to see Erin hurt or at least in need of my help, what i didn't expect to see was him sitting on my bed wearing my shirt that was two sizes too big for him,his dirty blond hair covering his chestnut brown eyes and a shy smile plastered on his cherry red lips . 

Just looking at him took my breath away, I stood there staring for a good 20 minutes at least until he got up and walk towards me, my eyes scanning every inch of his slender, delicious body. He walked right pass me to close the door and for the first time I realize he's wearing some tight, black brief that frame his ass so perfectly, mini me began to rise. I stood in place with my legs together trying to hide the boner as well as fight the urge to take him right there.

://Erin's POV

OK fine so i know what i was doing to him i mean i'm wearing his shirt and my tightest brief, how much more provocative than that can i get.

I close the door then approach him slowly, when I was standing an inch away from him I stopped and asked, "Jason, how long have you been in love with me." 
He stared at the ground not replying. "Jason, how long have you been in love with me," I asked a bit more insistently.
He kept looking at the ground before whispering, "the 14th of March, 2015," I stop and look at him confused for a seconds before saying, "We met on the 13th," he finally looked up his blue eyes electrically connected with my brown own and said, "I know. " 

THE END  😝😜         

Hope you guys enjoy reading it, I had fun writing it.😚😚😘😘😀😀

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