Bastards, They're Everywhere Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"Whatcha reading?" Nick asked, looking at the fragile book in my hands.

"It's a diary, um it's Hillary Mackner," I replied flipping around looking for the woman's name. Hillary Mackner... Why does it sound so familiar?

"Hillary Mackner? Isn't she master Seth's grandmother?" Nick asked.

"Why yes, yes it is," a new voice replied, I looked at the source to find a raven-haired man, around the age of 22.

"Hey Kai, didn't expect to see you here," Nick said smiling.

"Hey Nick, who's the new girl?" he asked looking at me and pushed up his glasses with his gloved hands. I took in his attire, he had on an old-fashioned tailcoat, how classy.

"So if you're here than that must mean Trish is here," Nick mumbled. I looked at Nick and gave a sigh, he obviously wasn't going to introduce me seeing as to how occupied he was.

"I'm Kristi Rivera, nice to meet you," I held out my hand for him and gave him a shy smile. He was utterly gorgeous, with his neat black layered hair combed back out of his face, his pink lips slightly parted in a polite smile showing off his pearly whites, his warm brown eyes slightly slanted, like those of an Asian, his clothes all pressed and ironed, nothing was out of place.

"Hello, I'm Kaito Higurashi, but you may call me Kai," he bends down and kisses my hand before coming back up with a gentle smile, I blushed. I place my hand to my side, what a gentleman.

"So why are you here?" Nick interrupted, out of his trance.

"Well it seems like my lady, Trish will be staying here for a while, she had let me wander off so I decided to go and visit the grand library," he replied looking around the massive library. He looks down at the diary I had tucked under my arms.

"What an interesting book you got there," he commented still looking at it.

"It's actually a diary from not that long ago, just like a few decades ago," I said pulling out the diary and flipped to the very first entry.

"Interesting..." Nick trailed off looking at his old battered watch.

"Look Kristi I have to go, see you sometime later okay? I got a date with Angela," he winks at me and leaves me alone with the handsome Asian butler.

"Kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" a feminine voice yells off in the distance. The butler immediately straightens up and rushes out of the library.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Kristi," he said and left the room in a rush.

I plop down on the soft couch and sink in between the cushions. I start flipping through the diary until finally landing on an interesting entry.

Dear diary,

I was attending to the wicked master of mines when I first saw him, he was in the corner sitting all alone eyes deep with immense sorrow, I couldn't help but feel attracted to this melancholy fellow. I could only gaze longingly at him for one more second before my master had barked at me. The damned man. I rushed off but not before giving the teen one more glance. Why must my emotions be mixed with puberty and hormones?!

After having retrieved the item and having the damn bastard slapping my rear, I gazed at that stranger in the corner, he had gotten up and started moving towards the back door that led to the majestic garden.

I hid behind the wall watching the boy. I watched as he admired the beautiful view of the sunset.

"Come out, I know you're there," his husky voice said. I slowly crept out as I felt the heat spread on my face. He chuckled at me and turned back to the sky.

"I've been wondering who are you?" I asked as I stood nearby him, he was so tall.

"Me? I'm just a 17 year old boy, a heir to a large, dumb company," he replied sadly.

"What's your story?"

That was how my first...

"Kristi, hurry and get your butt out here!" Some fussy maid yelled.

"Coming!" I rushed out and hid the diary underneath a vase nearby.

And it was getting really interesting...

"What is it?" I asked as I reached the maid.

"Since Lady Trish is here we have to prepare dinner, and you're setting up the table," the maid demanded.

"Yeah, alright," I replied.

I made my way to the dining hall, if only I could just laze around... And I could've finished reading that entry.

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