III. poem

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N o b o d y

I'm a nobody.
A nobody who makes her way
past the crowded hallways;
Who sits in class and studies quietly;
Yet is watched by keen, judging eyes;
And is laughed at, unappreciated.
I'm a nobody, with nothing special at all.
A jigsaw puzzle who can't seem to fit.
Struggling in the darkness, lurking,
trying to reach the distant light.

Until one day, the darkness vanished.
How come? Because of you.
Among the crowd, she saw you;
Her light that brightens up her dark world.
Her hope, her inspiration—her special somebody.
You gave color to the dull and gray everyday.
Indeed, fate works in mysterious ways.

Yet, despite being in the same plane,
you still seem so far away—
The unreachable star in the night sky,
unless a rocket of hope
Will thrust me upwards to you.
Impossible? I think so, yes.
But again, fate works in mysterious ways;
Quite unpredictable, quite playful.

I, a nobody, became a somebody to you;
The sun to to my storms.
You made me realize my worth,
that I am living for a reason;
And I was not just a nobody
just like I thought.
It's all because of you—thank you.
We bonded, we grew closer, and that's
when realization struck me like lightning—
I'm falling for you.
Worse? I'm falling deep and hard.
How come you were able to cast a spell
capturing my heart?
Amazing and magical; needless to say,
I'm in love.

But this is no fairy tale,
There is no "happily ever after"—
Or maybe just for me.
I should have told you to catch me, but I didn't.
Choosing to bottle up everything,
it was wrong for letting fear get to me.
I should have tried, but I couldn't.
Painful? Of course, but goodbyes has to be made rather than hurt myself any further.
Yet I wonder, do you also feel the same?
Or was it just me hoping?
Nevertheless, I'm back to the ground I belong.
The magic ended and everything
goes back to where it began.

Back to becoming that nobody,
who lives her life the way it was before.
But she's not the same "nobody" anymore;
She's changed and better.
Now, she is ending this chapter;
turning the page for another.
After all, it's just one of the many chapter
that this nobody will write.
And someday, I know I'll find that certain somebody
Who will help me fill the empty pages of my story.
When? No one can tell.
But I know he's somewhere out there,
patiently waiting.
We'll meet and complete each other,
since fate works in mysterious ways.
Who knows, maybe he's just like me—
A nobody who makes his way
past the crowded hallways.

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