“Okay I wont” The twins gave her a pointed look, not to tease the man.
    “Damn It Riae, you said you weren’t in a relationship with them?” Pointing his index finger at her.
    “Yes I did, and it’s the truth. I really don’t know what to call what where really doing, I haven’t made a point to ask” Hissing at him. The war between the father and daughter was heavy, as they exchanged horrible words and wild animal sounds.
    “That’s it, they’re out” Pointing at the twins.
    “What? You can’t punish them, because I want a life” Tossing her hands into the air. They were about to tell her not to worry about it, cause it wasn’t the first time they’d been kicked out of a gym. But she was to busy glaring her father down, and spitting lava at him.
    “They have no business being with you”

    “Why the hell not? It’s not like I’m engaged or married, damn it father I’m a grown ass women. You and my brothers better start treating as such.”
    “How can I treat you like an adult, when you sluting around with two of your fighters.” Owen growled, he didn’t appreciate the name her father used towards her.
    “Oh my god, Its not sluting around dad if your only sleeping with THESAME PEOPLE. You know what fine, if they getting kicked out then I quit” Folding her arms, making the twins chock on their tongues. Was she seriously considering taking their side over her families, did she have that much confidence in them to leave her father.

    “WHAT?” He looked just as shocked.
    “You heard me, if they leave so do I” Holding her ground like a true Butler.
    “Are you insane child.”
    “That’s just it father I’m not a child. But I should warn you, that all the new clientele I just rounded up for the gym, will go away along with a seven year contract that Nike wants to have with us. All because your child of a daughter did some ground work, and paid attention to the newest thing. I also have stock in the gym, enough in fact to take it.” Van had to sit down, she wasn’t just beautiful she was smart.

    “Your bluffing” Her father huffed, as she whipped out her cell clicking a few numbers. Tossing him the cell, he paled as he looked over the screen.
    “When…how..” He stuttered.
    “When you gave the twins to me, I thought It would come in handy. You shouldn’t of taught me so well father, then maybe you could tell me what to do.”  He closed the cell looking at the twins, then back at his daughter.
    Owen had to handed it to her, she had him pinned in a corner with all that info. Tossing the cell to the table, he grumbled.

    “Damn woman, to smart for your own good.” He face softened, as she walked to his side.
    “Daddy their good to me.” Grumbling a little more, she kissed his cheek making the tough old man blush. He really loved his daughter, so much so he crumbled at her touch.
    “They damn well better be good to you.” Looking at them, they swallowed. He still made them a little worse for wear.
    “You two treat her right, or you wont have legs to run on. You hear me?”  Pointing his finger at them, like it was shot gun fully loaded to go off.

Okay that was scary…..

    “Yes sir” They said in unison. Grinning like a butterfly, Riae gave him another kiss.
    “Thank you daddy”
    “I wont tell your brothers, but Riae you best be doing that soon, cause their onto you” Grumbling he shook his head, leaving the room. Turning around to them she laughed, giving them the thumbs up. She was so damn bubbly, it was hard not to smile.
    “One down, five to go” They groaned, sending her laughing more.
    “Aww come on. I’ll spoil you now…that is if you still have a little energy for me,” Tossing her top and kicking shoes off. The shimmy shake she did, making her shorts fall off was enough to pull the last bit of energy out of them sending then fly after her, as a fit of giggles erupted when they tackled her to the bed.


Daddy had somehow not kicked their asses, and let me have my way. I suspect it had something to do with the fact that, I had a shit ton of stock in the gym. He’d taught me to always be one step a head of everyone, and I took it very seriously. Money wasn’t something I needed, nor cared about. Winning the lotto wasn’t on my top ten, and I didn’t car to buy a nicer place of a fancy car. Though I could, in fact I could buy a whole shit ton of things. Even when the twins took me out to dinner, I could very well afford to buy anything on the menu but I didn’t want to spend my money on things like that. I was very organized in my spending, just like everything else.

Father knows what an assist I am to the gym, and he would never just toss out a good thing. No matter how pissed off he was, it was sleeping with two sex gods. Now all I had to do was get my brothers to except the twins, boy was that going to be a fox in a hen house mess.

Curled naked around the twins bodies, they seemed to be in a state of wonder as their hands skimmed my skin. Facing Van as Owen kissed my shoulders, rubbing my hip. We had another amazing entanglement, as the twins were getting faster at reaching me. This had to be the best pairing in the world, at least I thought so. I was thinking about what was going to happen with us, because my father had asked if I was seeing the twins. But we had never talked about, which made sense since the twins rarely talked.

My deep minestrone of interest about us, was suddenly banged out when I heard the door to the room screaming at me. Both twins sat up, glaring at the open bedroom door, as if someone was going to come in here with machine guns at the ready.

    “I’ll go see who it is” Crawling down the center, grabbing a silk robe. Thanking the lords that I was able to walk straight, now that I had to walk to the door. Good thing this wasn’t a police drunk driving bust, or that’d never believe I had sex instead of downing a whole bottle of rum.
    Pushing the lock off the door, I cracked it open. The death defying scream of happy squeals that came from both me and Tina, could be heard all over the hotel.
    “What are you doing here? I thought you had to work?” I asked closing the door.
    “Well I got off early, I wanted to see you in action” Looking around the hotel room.
    “Bullshit, you wanted to see eye candy”

    “Well you did promise me a killer Christmas gift. I’m just doing some window shopping” Winking at me. Laughing hard, she always did know what she wanted.
    “Damn can I use your bathroom, that was a hell of a drive”
    “Sure, down the hall.” Pointing to the way of the bathroom. Turning around as I was about to go order some food, I checked over my shoulder.
    “Shit, Not that room Ne…..” Slapping my head as she scream like she was dying.
    “WHAT THE HELL” Running out of the bedroom.

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