Chapter 1

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In the waking moment of this heavy feeling of death washing over me, I thought to myself: that was one hell of a ride, then coughed out a weak laughter of blood. I remembered all the stupid decisions I made in my life and knew that now, looking the Grim Reaper dead in his hollow eye sockets, It was all worth it. I coulda swore from the blood loss that I was hallucinating. The Grim Reaper was literally standing over me. I even poked his eye sockets just to see if it was real and in fact it was. He slapped my almost lifeless hand away.

"Don't poke around in there! God you mortals are weird..." he stood straight up.

"You here to take me to hell?" I smirked and wheezed this out.

"No, sadly. If only I could rid this world of your useless soul...well, perhaps not completely useless. I'm here because you have a job to do. You aren't allowed to die Kach." I laughed some more.

"Not allowed? That's stupid. I deserve to die." I kept laughing until I choked on my own blood again.

"Well, it's really your choice. I'll have to keep cleaning your messes from this point on." I turned my head slightly.

"Who told you that you had to babysit me?"

"I can't tell ya, kid. It's classified."

"You sound like my dad," I laughed again, nearly coughing up my entrails.

"Mercy...alright, you need to like, not die so I can get you to somebody who actually cares about you." He sighed and groaned before picking me up. Not long after, I went unconscious. Next thing I know, my eyes opened and closed so quickly that I didn't know what I was looking at. I kept trying to open them enough to the point where I could tell doctors were rushing me through the ICU on a horribly unsanitary gurnie. Maybe that was because I've been bleeding all over it. That's when my eyes met her. The light just was passing over and it was like everything was in slow motion when our eyes met. Her golden dipped brown hair wrapped up in a bun perfectly, stubborn strands, along with her bangs fell loosely, trying to escape the black bond in a which was called a ponytail holder. Her sapphire eyes burned my soul as I was too impure to witness this Angel from the hands of God himself. That was until the idiots getting me through the ICU ran me into a wall. Time corrected itself as if the nurse broke it with her semblance of beauty. "We're gonna fix you up, okay? You're gonna live. I won't let you go," she smiled down at me as she realized I was awake and squeezed my limp hand. Jesus christ...her smile is like gazing into the starts on a clear night... I try to say something but it seems that the blood burned up and dried out my throat.

"Shh, don't try to talk, it's okay. Just keep your eyes on me." This girl right here is going to be my future wife. Yup. It's settled. I'm gonna go out and buy a ring as soon as I can walk.

Soon enough, we made it to a room. They cut my shirt with scissors.  Damn that was my favorite shirt.  Then they started to examine the wound on my stomach but they all paused. It was huge and gushing blood, which is why I should be dead right now but the Reapster saved my sorry, undeserving soul. They didn't know what to do but then wifey over here began grabbing things. God she's so hot when she knows what materials she needs.

"Hey, I need everybody to focus. It's just a wound. Don't get cold feet on me. You all know what to do, some of you more than me. We are not to allow this patient to die, got it?" oh god, she's even more sexy when she's takes charge. The doctors and nurses nodded before they got to work and started to patch me up. I tried to contain my agony, feeling the numbness of near death rubbing off. At one point, nurse hot pants had to hold me down. After it was all done, she stayed with me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" she had taken it upon herself to sit next to my bed. I opened my mouth to talk but again, the words just seemed to evade me.

"Here, write on this." She gave me a notepad and pen. I stared at it for a moment before taking it.

"Who did that to you?" She asked with a quizzical look. I began writing.

I looked up to the Nurse, handing it back to her. She looked back up at me. "Can't tell you that princess," it read. She sighed.

"What's your name?" she handed me a cup of water. I sip it and as if by magic, I barely found my voice and uttered my unusual name:


"Kach...we do need to report what happened...." I shook my head.

"If you do that, we're both dead," I strained.

"Why is that?" she leaned forward, resting her plump chest on top of her arms next to my hip on the hospital bed, exposing her perfect cleavage. I bit my bottom lip slightly but shook my head to refocus. She didn't seem to notice.

"The people who did this to me left me for dead. Once they hear I'm alive, they'll come to finish the job. That just how it works," I told her straightforwardly.

"You'll be safe here. No one's going to hurt you." I laughed at her misconception of the situation.

"Sweetheart, no one's gonna miss me. Everyone I ever loved is dead. They're all gone. My mother, my father, my brothers and sister, even my best friend, dead. All of them. I have no one who's gonna come looking for me. Just make sure I'm dead by the end of the night." The nurse frowned at me. Even when she's sad looking she's gorgeous.

"I'm gonna be the one to make sure you live. You won't be alone." I chuckled and turned away.

"You're just a simple nurse. Do your job. Don't get attached to someone like me."

"What do you mean, 'someone like you'?" she asked. I glared at her.

"Don't ask questions like that..."

"Well why not? You mentioned it."

"It's none of your business," I grumbled as I crossed my arms, turning my head away.

"You're so stubborn..."

"I am not. I just selectively tell people my business," I responded, trying to make myself sound logical.

"Yeah, okay. I'll leave you alone then." she stood up and walked to the doorway.

"I didn't say you could leave."

"I thought you wanted me to do my job," she used my own words against me.

"I-I know what I said missy!"

"So you want me to stay and socialize with you?"

"I don't hate your company..." I got a little red in my cheeks.

"You don't hate my company...mmk, I'll take that." She sat down in the spiny chair in which her plump little butt sat in before. Oh, I wish that chair was my face.

"Don't get too comfortable, alright? It's not often I that like people because, well, I guess I can say that I radiate bad luck to those around me."

"Why do you say that?" I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well for starters, my mother died giving birth to me, my father died trying to save my life, my brother died in a car accident, I was in the passenger seat, my sister burned to death, and my best friend died trying to keep our legend alive. Like I said, everyone I love dies."

"Well I can see why you think you don't deserve to live, you've cheated death...a lot. You honestly should've died here today but by some weird coincidence, you're pretty much immortal, to some degree."

"To some degree...not by my own will, that's for sure." She nodded.

"Hey, are you hungry?" She asked suddenly.

"Ugh, yes, I'm starving," I groan a little.

"I'll pick you something up from the cafeteria. It's taco Tuesday." She got up and smiled.

"Yaaaassss." I exclaimed with a little squeal.

"Alright, I'll be back with your food." She started to walk away and of course my eyes were stuck on her glorious rear end until she was out of sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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