1 - Dean's Secret

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I walked down the ramp towards the ring in silence. I needed to practice, but before I wondered out here, I wasn't aware that the Shield was out here practicing also. Roman was sitting ontop of the baracade watching Dean and Seth wrestle. In the middle of headlocks and choke-slams, one of them would start laughing, pleased  they're winning. I was at the end of the ramp and I didn't know if I should jump on the ramp and scare the crap out of them or yell something. So when Dean and Seth had their backs to me, Seth stood up from a clothesline move and Dean was going to try and pound him, I randomly yelled, "SETH DUCK!" Seth turned around just to have Dean spear him. I winced. "Reigns, I thought the spear was YOUR move, big guy." Roman looked at me and laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Fine, DON'T give your sister a hug. Aaand I came to the ring to practice assuming you idjits were going to be here." I guestered to Seth and Dean in the ring. Yes, I'm Roman Reigns' sister, his twin actually. My name's Danelle, but everyone calls me Danie. Just because it's shorter, I guess. My brother smiled and wrapped me in a hug. "Well, me and Seth are goin' out to grab something to eat. Dean was going to stay and take a walk, but I'm sure he can work with ya."

"Wh-" I loward my voice, whispering to my older brother. "You KNOW that I like him! Why can't I do this with you or Seth?" I asked. He just clicked his tounge and winked like he always does when he avoids my questions like that. He whistled for Seth to hurry up. Let's be honestly here, Seth is like the puppy of the group! Soft and gental, but can knock your front teeth and become very visious! Seth came jogging towards Roman and me. "Hey Danie." He waved. "Hey Sethie." I commented. He rolled his eyes playfuly and left with Roman. I walked into the ring with Dean.

"Hey kiddo!" Dean smirked. He's always calling me that. "Why do you call me that? It's DANIE. Call my brother kiddo. And HI Ambrose." We both chuckled. "Because if I call your brother that, he will follow me to my hotel with a knife and murder me in my sleep." He walked across the ring to me and held out his hand. "Ready? DANIE?" He mocked. "As ever. And thank you." I forced a smile, but I laughed. Almost as instantly as I charged at him, he had me pinned. His arms were on either side of my head. His face was only a few inches from mine. I liked him SOO badly! I wanted to kiss him right then and there but I held my ground. He didn't really show any interest in me so I didn't tell him. He smiled. "Nice try. I should get a reward." I smirked. "I have ice-cream back at my place! We could hang out." My heat was pounding so hard, I was praying that he couldn't hear it himself. "Ice-cream's good. But you know what would ALSO be good?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me. I raised mine  in responce and let out a "hm." Without any warming, he softly kissed me. I've been waiting for that to happen for SO LONG!! Now it finally happened! He pulled back slowly and looked into my eyes. "Why'd you do that?" I smiled. "There's usually an answer there, but you already know it.." He smiled. He was going to sit up, but I pulled him back down by his vest and left his lips a few centimeters from mine. I felt his breath upagainst my mouth. He loward his head, now knowing that I love him too, he kissed me back just as softly as before, which made me all tingly.

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