You giggled. "It's a surprise."

Oh how Arthur hated that word: surprise. He was never found of what came with it; birthdays, hookups, food, anything really. Arthur was the kind of person who liked to be in control and aware of his life...

... but then again...

...he was on a train with a vampire who had attacked him 2 days prior. He supposed that surprises just came with the unnatural.

"Ah.. fine." He sighed.

"I promise you'll like it, or find it interesting." You patted his shoulder.

"Fine. But don't suddenly turn into Alfred on me."


That's right, you hadn't met Alfred or even had Arthur mention him to you yet. "My idiot flatmate."

"The person who kept blowing up your phone yesterday morning?"

Arthur sighed. "He'll be paying for my phone bill this month... that git."

You laughed again and Arthur smiled. Things seemed to be getting easier, at least in the small talk part.

"Chinatown" The train's alert system rang and you got up, clicking your umbrella open.

"This is our stop!" You chirped and stepped out into the neighborhood.

"H-hey wait!" Arthur called, nearly getting hit by the closing doors and cursed under his breath.

"Life is short Arthur, we have no time to sit and wait around." You clicked your tongue and handed him the handle of the umbrella.

"Huh?" Arthur looked at your outstretched hand.

"You wanted to hold this earlier, didn't you?" He nodded and took the handle from you, the metal cold from your lack of body heat.

"Such a gentleman." You teased him and pulled his sleeve. "Follow me."

Arthur rolled his eyes, but followed nonetheless. He watched as you led him down further into Chinatown. The thing about Seattle's Chinatown though... is that if you walk far enough into the place, the neighborhood starts to look less and less nice and more scary.

Arthur didn't want to say anything, but he soon started noticing more and homeless and shady looking figures as you and him walked down another turn. He was about to speak up when you suddenly stopped in front of a stair well and stared at him.

"We're here!" You cheered and took your umbrella from his hands and closed it.

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked looking around the run down neighborhood and then down the dark stairwell.

"Yup, come on." You said and grabbed sleeve once again. You pulled him with that inhuman like strength and the Brit was forced to follow or fall down the steps. He decided uncertainty was better than injury, so he obeyed and walked down the steps.

At the bottom was a door covered by the walkway above. The covering had a dim light above that flickered making the entrance look even more sketchy. Then there was the door itself, which seemed to be covered in... bullet holes and various padlocks! One top of that an eye hole was at the top, as if Arthur was about to be brought into some illegal activities.

You knocked on the door three times and pulled back, staring up at the eye hole, waiting for the person on the other side to answer. After several seconds, the eye slot flew open and a pair of brown eyes stared back at the duo.

Suddenly the disappeared and the door swung open as a younger boy ran out and tackled (Name) into a hug.

"(NAAAAAAME)!!!" The boy cried and hugged you tightly. "YOU'VE COME TO EAT RIGHT?! OH! IS THIS YOUR DATE!"

England x Vampire!Reader- Crimson ConfidanteKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat