"Willow took her to do some crafting things." He made a slight face. "She's a good kid." She was and I was glad he saw it. I wondered if it was her kind nature with Avery or the training he had with me that brought about his change in behaviour towards the juvenile. I liked to believe it was Willow herself, she had a big heart, always believing the best in someone and being more than forgiving.

I pushed open the office door when we reached it and I gestured for Lucas to enter before I came in after him, closing the door softly behind us. He sunk onto the sofa, rubbing at his face. I settled into the space beside him, silently waiting for him to begin. I could tell whatever it was he wanted to tell me was weighing on him heavily. I didn't like seeing him like that.

He let out a long sigh before he leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees. Another few moments of silence fell before he hung his head. "I had a mate before Avery. She was..." He made a soft sound in his throat. I tried my best to hide my shocked look. I hadn't expected that. "She was beautiful and sweet and so kind. I remembered her as kids. She was strong and feisty. She called the shots and I was mesmerized by her." His shoulders slumped forward more.

"I loved her as a kid and it didn't go away as we grew. When I learned she was my mate... I was ecstatic. I didn't care that she was an Omega, I didn't care about what everyone else would think. I only cared that this female, the one I had grown up with, loved, was mine." His form tensed suddenly, his muscles bunching tightly. "My... father convinced me that taking her out of her position would hurt her. He told me that my love would be toxic to her. He told me over and over and over again until I believed it." His hands tightened and he shifted in his spot. I could fee the hostility radiating off of him from my place and it set my teeth on edge. Not because he was angry but because of his father. I hadn't met John but I heard enough stories to know I didn't like the male.

"He lied to me." The words were growling and low. "I nearly killed her." The tone of grief he had in his voice was intense. "I rejected her but I didn't know I was supposed to let her reject me as well. The bond nearly killed her." He slowly shook his head. "My father was right, my love was toxic to her." Shame coated his form thickly and I resisted the urge to reach out for him. That had been a shitty thing that happened, what his father had done but I could tell he carried all the blame for it.

"How old were you?" He couldn't have been that old, newly matured. Someone still under their father's influence, still under his authority.

"Nineteen." He slowly shook his head. "It doesn't matter how old I was. I hurt someone I loved. I nearly killed her. Not only that but to learn of what my father did to her?" The anger came back, coating the shame, hiding it away under heated and heavy tones.

I couldn't help it and reached out, squeezing his shoulder. "You were young, Lucas." Too young to truly know what he was doing with the bond.

His muscled tightened under my grip before he pulled away. "It doesn't matter." He glanced at me and he looked completely and totally devastated by what had happened and my chest hurt for him. To be betrayed by the one you were supposed to trust completely was a horrible thing to endure.

"Yes it does." I slowly shook my head at him. 'You were under your father's influence. You trusted him and he betrayed that to fulfill what he wanted." I didn't doubt for a moment that John had his own motives for what he had Lucas do. He seemed like he had enough of a twisted mind for it. "Is that why you are so protective of Avery?" It made sense, having that happen to him would make him and his wolf extra protective over her.

"I just don't want to hurt her like I did Maricella. I don't want anything to hurt her like that." He sounded so torn, as if he knew he wasn't helping her by his actions but being unable to stop himself from seeking out to protect her as intently and fiercely as he could.

The Haunted Memories (Forgotten Series, #4)Where stories live. Discover now