Present: Remember When...

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"...okay, well, thanks anyway then." Reeda walked away from a few of the locals that had been sitting on the beach, heading back over to where Cissel and Pidg were at.

"No luck?" Cissel asked.

"Nope." Reeda sat down in the sand. "There's a few people who knew our boss, but it wasn't well enough. If the kahuna wasn't out of town he would know but, well, we can't get that information from him."

"I still don't get it," Pidg started. He was leaning back in a beach chair, looking at Cissel and Reeda. "Why are we looking for this guy again?"

"Don't look at me!" Cissel put her hands up, claiming innocent. "I'm here for the festival and that's not till tomorrow."

Reeda didn't answer Pidg's question, lost in thought while watching the waves and their pokemon playing in the water. Squeak and Cissel's Togedemaru—Redgi—were floating on top of the water with Squeak's tail, splashing each other and Pidg's pokemon. Fang was digging in the sand with Diva the Ninetales, working on getting sand for a castle along with making a moat. The only pokemon who wasn't out was the beast pokemon, and that was because Reeda didn't know how the locals would take it. She felt a little sorry for it.

"Reeda?" Pidg poked her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Reeda pulled her knees up to her chest, leaning her head on her arms. "It's pretty warm out here, isn't it?" She up at the sky. "No clouds at all out there."

"Same old Alolan weather," Cissel chirped. She smiled. "I can never get enough of it. Po Town was fine, but it felt good to get out of the humidity and into the heat. We did have that scorcher a while ago... you remember that, Reeda?"

"That's kinda what I was getting to, Cece." Reeda gave a sad smile. "I think if that day didn't get as hot as it did, things wouldn't be as they are now..."

Pidg was confused for a minute, but when he looked at her arms he realized what she was talking about.

The last time he saw her outside before she vanished, Reeda had her coat on. Now, however, she no longer had it.

When Lightning StrikesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz