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" Are you ready?" Lacy said, excitedly. I nodded. I couldn't make out many words. I couldn't believe this was happening. As I walked out Surprised faces turned to face me. My white and green dress flowed behind me as I walked down the isle. Blake looked at me happily. I smiled shyly as he took my hands.

Do you, Prince Blake Donnor, take this, Lizeth Harpings to be your wife?
   I do.
Do you , Lizeth Harpi-
I do i do I do!

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He scooped me up and ran with me back down the isle. People blew bubbles in the air as I hugged Blake.I reached up and kissed him on the cheek." I love you" I said sweetly." I love you more" he responded, causing my cheeks to glow red. Good bye Lizeth Harpings, Hello Lizeth Donnor! I closed my eyes. Things couldn't get much better than this. I rubbed my new ring. It was silver holding a Emerald. I was now the royal princess, and Blake my Prince.

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