Chapter 1

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Your POV

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I krept down the stairs, is about 3:00 in the morning, I was going to get a glass of water, till I heard a noise in the kitchen. The sound of the kitchen drawers being open and closed. I went to check it out to see if it was my brother, it was. I was full if relief. "Mark why are you awake?" He turned to my direction, looking a bit off. "Well.. I was going to get something to eat, but I stopped and decided to not eat. Why are you awake?"

"Oh, I was going to get some water." I walk past him to grab a glass and some water. He yawned, "I'm going to bed, night." He walked up to his room. Mark looked a bit off, maybe he was tired or something, but it didn't seem like that. The yawn was forced, he didn't even act tired, more worried. I ignored it, and placed my cup in the sink. Odd, "Why is the sink wet?" I though Mark didnt eat. I looked through the dish washer to see if any dishes were wet there was...

A knife.?

I looked on the counter for anything, and I found something. Blood, small splats of blood on the counter. "Did Mark cut himself, and just decided to stop? But cut what?" I went to bed and would ask Mark in the morning. The next morning I did just that,his explanation was simple. "I was going eat an apple, and as I was cutting it I cut my palm."

I took his word for it, and asked if he was ok, after that things started to happen, weird things. Mark started to lock himself in his room, and or leave really late at night only to come back in the morning with the scent of metal lingering off him. I was scared to talk to him, and my life still went on, but without my older brother...

I couldn't live like this anymore, it was too awkward, he's been in his room yelling,and breaking things I wanted to make sure he was alright. I knocked softly, "Hey Mark you there, its (y/n)." His whole room went silent. "Mark, just cause you keep quiet doesn't mean that I'll think you're no longer there. Still the room was silent. I slowly opened the door, to find it quite dark.

I called out his name in a hushed tone. "M-mark, please come out I'm scared, where are you?" I walked deeper into his room, and looked around no where. Just darkness, and the hint of light coming from the open window... Open window! I ran to check, no one was there.. "What are you doing in my room?" I hear a deep voice behind me causing me to flinch.

I turn to find Mark? "I thought you were in here." "Nope, been down stairs." "Then what was the noise coming from in here?" "What noise?" I sighed and just gave up. "Nothing, it must of been my imagination." "Well ok then, you hungry its almost about lunch time." "Yeah, sure." We walked down stairs, and I walk into the kitchen in search of food to eat. "Want me to cook for you?"

"No, I'll just have a sandwich." "Ok, do you want me to make it?" "No,no I'm fine." I say grabbing everything out. "Ok." He sits on the couch as I place my bread, meat, cheese, lettuce,tomato, and lastly mayo, but the cheese wasn't cut so I grabbed a knife and decided to cut it myself. I didn't need that many slices but I also didn't want them so big.

As I slowly cut it, my hand slipped causing me to get a cut on the palm of my hand. "Ouch..." Marks head instantly turns to my direction. "Hey you ok there?" "Yeah, I just cut myself I'll be back." "Ok." I ran upstairs to find the Band-Aids, to my luck there was one left. I washed my hand first and placed the band-aid on my palm.

I went back down to continue making my lunch, but it was already made. Mark must of made my sandwich so I wouldn't hurt myself again. I smile and take a bite, just how I like it. I finished eating and washed the dishes. I must of bled a bit, because in the sink was a white rag with a faded pinkish red color. The cut wasn't so deep though. I shrugged off and the rest of the day, I did whatever.

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His Other Side (Darkiplier/Markiplier) x Little Brother ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now