Chapter 7: I Remember

Start from the beginning

"Hey..whats this?" she asked picking up a small black box and showing it to me

"Thats a Polaroid camera" i told her taking it from her hands looking at it

"Whats a camera?" she asked. shes still too young to know that noone haven't seen one of these since before the mushroom war. our parents showed me a picture of the time before it. and I'm surprise to actually find one out here

"It's a box that makes images when flash " I told her

"Cool! Let's see if it works!" She cheered. I pointed it at us

"Smile" I told her

"For what?" she asked

"It's a picture! just smile!" I laughed

"Nope!" she looked away crossing her arms being stubborn

"Why you! come here!" I joked tickling her, she laughed, there was my chance, I hugged her and flashed the camera

"Cake you tricked me!" she laughed

"You wouldn't smile so I had to!" I laughed "okay, lets go"

"What? We just got walked for alittle bit! why we gotta go?" she whined

"We have royal business to attend to" i know that i said we go on a adventure but i just remembered that i had to tell our wizards to deliver some diamonds to the candy and dark kingdom.

"Awe.. ok.." she understood, she knows the duties of royalty, once i say its royal business she gives me no back talk. we walked back to the kingdom, "say come the other royals don't know about us and we give them our diamonds?" she asked

"We are secret, it's been like that since King Marshall and Prince Gumball began to rule 900 years ago.they rule over the top and bottom of aaa but theres certain areas that they are not allowed to rule, thats the areas we do rule, they dont know why they can't rule them. we are secret because we rule and order wizards and others. they'll think we're evil and destroy us "

"are we evil?"

"no princess"

"900 years is a long time, mom and dad never ruled that long huh?"


"Well, one day, I'm going to become friends with the two royals. but they won't know I'm a princess! so our kingdom will be safe!" she said confidently

"You do that" I laughed. we went back into the castle when we heard laughter

"Who's there!?" I yelled

" Margret! I have finally found you!" kee oth appeared in front of us.

"I'm not her you butt! I am queen cake! her daughter!" I told her

"You can't fool me Margret, I remember that face anywhere! it's time for my revenge!" she yelled

"Bring it! fi! hide!" i told fi

"No cake! I'm staying!"

"Do as I tell you!!" i yelled ,She listened and ran behind the throne. I ran towards kee oth then she stabbed me..i couldn't breath..I fell on the floor..

"Cake!" fi called running to me

"Fi.. go and hide.." She refused. "please.. your not ready to fight this demon.." I felt my life slowly fating away. she started to cry "promise me fi..that you won't be scared..wizards!" I called, they came in a heart beat "cast the ever-lasting spell on my sister" they sparkled dust on her head. this was a way she won't die, she will live forever...

"Cake..dont leave me.." she cried hard trying to talk clearly

"I'm sorry baby.. I love you.." blackness surrounded me

I woke up in a hospital..

"Hello, are you feeling better?" a guy asked. he had egg white short hair with egg yellow skin and has bacon on his head. was it suppose to be a crown? his chest was made of toast and had pancakes? as pants. he was tall and had cracked eggs for feet...weird

"Where am I?" I asked looking around the room i was in

"You are in my breakfast kingdom, I am the breakfast prince, but I don't rule here.." he said

"How? you just said your a prince.."

"Prince Gumball rules, but I'm basically a mayor " he chuckled

"I see... I can't remember anything.." i said holding onto my stomach.."ow!" something painful strucked me.

"it appears you were stabbed and lost alot of blood when we found you ,you'll be ok once you recover .you can stay here until you feel better.." he said


"here, we got you some food" a toast person came into my room ,he had a red strap with a waffle attached to it, was that a crown too? and had cooked egg on his head wearing a red suit, he gave me eggs bacon and pancakes on a plate, it looked very yummy! i ate my plate of food as fast as i could.

"this is my brother, toast prince, we basically 'rule' together" breakfast prince chuckled with toast prince

"when you recover, we'd like to show you around my kingdom" toast prince said. i nodded. since my mouth was full of Delicious food

after 3 weeks in my hospital bed, i have finally recovered. breakfast and toast prince helped me outside, the kingdom was on the end of a canyon. it was a small kingdom surrounded by brown water

"what is this?" i asked pointing at the brown water

"its coffee" toast prince explained, i looked around more.the castle itself was made of large coffee pot which sits on a dish, its sitting on top of some coffee cake that sits on a fri egg. the coffee pot is releasing more coffie into the coffee river from its spout. the brige was made of bacon...agh!! this place is making me hungry again! i stretched my arm to eat a piece of cake. whoa! what up with my arm?!! breakfast prince noticed me freaking out

"cake.." he started

"Cake?! theres no time for cake! something is wrong with my arm?!"

"no, your name is cake, we found is on top of you when we found you in the forest" he said handling me a small stone

"R.I.P Cake the cat, a magical and beautiful cat that was loved by many.." i read "if i was 'suppose' to be died then why wasn't i buried?" i asked

"many people of aaa don't bury love ones when they die. Not alot, but most.. usually royals do it. its culture in aaa.. hoping glob will take their body to glob world instead of just their spirit.." he explained


"please cake..take time being here, learn your magical ways and enjoy yourself" toast prince offered

"thank you kind sir.. i shall take up on your offer and enjoy myself in your Delicious kingdom" i said. wait. why did i say it like that? it sounded very formal.. hmm..? weird..

~end of flashback~

Oh dear cheese balls...fionna is my sister! and I'm queen! Oh glob..i can't believe i left my baby sister all by herself..she saw me die in her arms..she must of been scarred for baby..i started crying.. i'm sorry fionna..she didn't want to live forever and i gave her the ever-lasting spell!.. thats why she was trying to kill herself! i gotta fix this!

I ran out the prison room

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