The Beginning

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Rosanna Black.

If you were to tell me a week ago that I would be running from a hunter and a guy that swears that we are soul mates than I would have thought you were crazy and walked away but that is exactly what is happening right now. I can't explain now but I will later.

"Come on out, darling!" my 'soul mate' yelled out into the warehouse that I was hiding out in.

" You can't hide forever, I will find you and when I do I will never let you go, you are MINE!" okay dude way too possessive I thought to myself. I ran and hid behind some big wooden crates that had chips missing as well as dents dotting it.

I'm sorry, you must want the details to the crazy seen you are reading at this moment, well one week ago I was walking to the bakery, because dessert is heaven. But first if you are going to be there with me through my whole story you should probably know my name is Rosanna Black.

One Week Ago

Maybe I will get a double chocolate cake....ya, that is what I want. As i'm walking down the road focused on the thoughts dancing inside my head, and not paying attention to what is in front of me. I let out a small yelp as I collided with a brick wall. The wall shot strong arms out and wrapped them around me to keep me from falling to the ground.

"Careful, love" the wall spoke. Wait a second as far as I know walls can't talk and don't have arms. I struggle out of the 'walls' grip and take a few steps back. I look up to see one of the most hottest guys i've ever seen. Ok now I sound like a creep. He had ash-gray hair, eyes black as night, and a cocky smirk to top it all off.

As soon as our eyes connected a possessive look came over his face and his eyes turned a darker shade of black, I didn't know that was possible. It looks like the sun was going down so I checked my phone for the time and see that I was late. I hope Lisbeth is still there.

"Sorry about that but I got to run, bye random stranger!" I yell as I start running down the sidewalk toward the direction of the bakery.

When the bakery was in view, I was just able to make out Lizbeth the owner standing at the door. My guess is she is waiting for me because I come here to help every weekend and seeing that it was Friday, I guess she was expecting me.

"You are fifteen minutes late!" she shouted across the parking lot.

"I know, I know!" I yelled back, hurrying up to the shop. When I finally got to the door Lizbeth smiled at me while opening the door.

"Come on, Fay's waiting inside for you" she told me. As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, I squealed and ran towards our booth, but me, being the clumsy person I am, tripped over my own two feet, landing on the floor in a starfish pose right in front of the table. Fay looked down at me with a mischievous glint in her eye. Oh-no! That look in her eye is never good. I am proven right when she jumped up from her chair and threw herself on top of me. I made a Hmph sound when she made contact.

"Hey Roe!" Fay said cheerily from her position on top of me. I managed to squeeze out a 'hey' in response. I can feel the cold from the floor seep in through my shirt and cool my back causing me to shiver.

"Are you girls going to help me make some desserts, or what!" Lizbeth shouted from the back. You see, Lizbeth is like a second mother to Fay and me. She helped raise us.
"YES!" we both yell together. I lock eyes with Fay and we came to an unspoken challenge of who can get to the kitchen first. I looked down at the floor to determine the starting line using the gray and mocha tiles that give you a warm feeling when you step inside.

I hold up three fingers for the count down. Two fingers. One finger and we are off. I start sprinting as fast as I can. But, Fay being on the soccer team overtakes me easily. I push myself as fast as I can, hoping to catch up to her. When we reach the kitchen door sadly Fay touches it first. When I say touch I mean slams face first into the door due to how fast she was going. I burst out laughing before I could reach the door.

"Shut up" Fay muttered out from the ground. That only made me laugh harder and I fell to the ground. Tears started to come out of my eyes from laughing so hard as I lay next to Fay.

Once my laughing fit ceased to exist, we got up from the ground, Fay rubbing her bum she fell on.

"You are so mean" she claimed.

"So are you" I replied back.

"How?" She questioned looking at me.

"When I was on the floor, you jumped on me" I answered her as we were walking into the kitchen.

"I just wanted to give you a hug" she gave me the innocent puppy dog eyes. Ok here is one thing you should know about me is that I'm very competitive. So I start thinking about an embarrassing memory, and I know the perfect one. Now I know that this sounds stupid but that's just the way we are, Fay and I.

"Fine, remember that one time in class that Jack, my crush, was talking to me?" I asked her.

"Ya, what about it?"

"You butted in asking for a tampon!" I exclaimed.

"But I needed one" she defended herself.

"I know, but you said it right in front of him and he didn't talk to me again for a week!" I complained. We put on our aprons and tied our hair back.

"Ok ok, were both meanies" she raised both her hands, giving in. We both laughed at our pointless argument.

Lizbeth already had every thing laid out, so we started baking the list of pastries and desserts that were going to be sold tomorrow.

Should I continue this or not pls let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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