“Shit relax, Brooklyn. I came to talk to you again.” 

“Well I can't, Harry is waiting for me in the car.” I begin to walk out of the room only to feel Will’s hand wrap around my wrist. 

“Brooklyn I know this is weird and you probably think you’re going crazy but you can't leave yet we have to talk.” His face is now serious. I’m still mad that he left without warning at Louis house. I felt like a crazy person. I can't do this again. I have to come up with a good excuse. 

“People are waiting for us to pick them up, I have to leave.”   

“No one is waiting for you. Everyone is paused.” he sits at the side of the bed. 

“What?” I ask confused. 

He points to the window. What, does he want me to walk over? I begin to slowly walk towards the window, pulling aside the white curtain. He’s right. Everything looks paused. My mouth drops when I see Harry at the end of the stairs, with one foot in front of him, frozen. I look at the cars on the street that seemed to be parked but they can't be, not in the middle of the road. I see a bird with its wings wide open, looking like its about to land on a branch but it didn't quite make it yet. I take a step back and shake my head “No, what is, what’s going on !” I turn to look at Will, whose head is now down. My eyes begin to fill with tears as I run over to him and shake his shoulders “Will, what is going on !” his dark blue eyes meet mine as he opens his mouth to speak. 

“Sit down, Brooklyn.” he orders. 

“No. I’m standing. Tell me what the hell is going. Why the fuck is everything, well stuck !” I scream, my voice slightly cracking. 

“It’s for your protection. Whenever me or anyone else comes to see you, everything freezes. But that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because Conner wasn't supposed to tell you any of that stuff yet. We aren't even sure how he got to you. He’s disappeared we have no idea where the hell he is.” he explains. 

I lower my head, tears falling from my cheeks from stress. 

“Again, Will, what does this have to do with me, why are you here, why do I dream things. Why me?” 

“I already told you why. That witch un-intentionally gave you her powers. It’s not you’re fault it just happened.” he says while walking over to me and hugging me. His skin is cold, ice cold. 

“Why are you so cold?” 

“Well I’m not exactly alive, little sis.” he chuckles. 

“True… Will, why are you here?” 

He takes a step back. 

“Harry is not safe.” he almost whispers. 

“What do you mean he isn't safe?” my eyes and attention very much on him. 

“Someone is trying to kill him. We don’t know who but they’re trying. It’s not here, it’s on the tour. We don’t know when but we think it'll be in Miami. And if they fail to get him there, then it will be in Dallas.”

“Who’s we? And why Harry? Harry hasn't done anything. ” Why is this happening to me. Since when is Harry a part of this? 

“It isn't Harry, it’s his ancestors. Harry’s great great grandfather was in love with that witches great great grand mother. Weird huh? Anyways, Harry and his sister are the current generation. He doesn't exactly have powers but he has this sort of spell on him that keeps him protected from magic, a force field almost. Which is why no harm has come to him, yet. The only way to eliminate him is killing him like a human.” 

I can't help but keep looking down at my shoes. 

“So you’re saying, Harry isn't human?” I look up at him now. 

“Well, neither are you.” 

The words hit me like a bucket of bricks. Sending chills down my spine. 

He grabs my face with both hands and says “Brooklyn, YOU have to protect him. If Harry dies, not only will his family die, but so will you. If they kill him, they automatically kill you. You’re linked to him. But you’re stronger. So key is, keep him safe ok? I have to go right now but I’ll see you soon, alright?”

I nod in agreement, no words being able to form. Will walks into our closet and closes the door behind him. I already assumed he was gone, considering last time. 

I pick up my purse from the floor and walk out of the apartment. 

The talk with Will felt like forever. 

When I get to the car, Harry is leaning on the passenger door. 

“Are you rea…wait what’s wrong? Why is your face pale?” 

I don't know if I’m exactly allowed to tell him. Should I?

No. The tour starts soon, that would create un necessary conflict. 

“I um, I don’t feel so well.” I lie. 

“Oh do you want to stay home babe? We could go shopping when we’re in Miami?” his eyes full of worry. 

“No no, I’m sure I’m just hungry. We should stop to get something to eat after we shop.” I smile, trying to regain color to my face.

“Ok love yeah good idea, lets get going.” he kisses me on the forehead and opens the door to the passenger side for me. When I seem him run in front of the car towards the drivers side, I can’t help but think about Will’s words. 

Harry is not safe.” his voice repeats in my mind. My boy isn't safe. Who would hurt him? That’s what I’m afraid to find out. 

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