February 15, 2017

21 1 1

Cozy in bed 10:11 and listing to my fave playlist of mine "Cookie's fav songs" and skipped all the night-core

So today was pretty boring until about 5th period. I was doing my work when a girl (let's call her V) So V wasn't a person I necessarily liked when I first met. To be honest if i try I can see her line of thinking, she says whats on her mind and is the type of person who is like, blunt honest. If she thinks your doing something stupid she'll call you on it. Anyway, when we first met she thought I was WAY to peppy. She was like "Hey this person needs a bit of a reality check"  She was pretty um .... (rude isn't the word I'm looking for but ima use it) rude to me. So I didn't like her. Then she was in my 5th class and now kinda fills me in one her point of view when it comes to drama with my friends that includes her. Which is good, I like to here all points of an argument, it makes it easier to handle in my opinion.

( By the way V, you know who you are, if your reading this then no offense I'm not ranting just blogging and this is just how I see what's happened if you have a problem with anything I've said let me know so I can fix it. I don't know if you even have Wattpad ... and Hi  * awkward friendly wave*)

I wouldn't say were friends. We're not enemies tho. I'd say were more like, in between people who know each other as another random person and Aquatints. You know that awkward stage when you are willing to talk to each other and know their personality but it's still kinda awkward when you talk cuz you don't want to offend them kind of thing.

Anyway I was doing my work when V tells me stuff about drama stuff and stuff like stuff .... ya

Then I go to my last period ... Math yada yada I learn math I ask for extra of everything so I can teach my friend ( Same BFFF from last entry lets call her a very old name I once gave her in 6th grade during a game ... The Key Keeper) Anyway The Key Keeper is coming back to school on Friday after a year of not so successful internet\home schooling. After that she is a bit behind and I shalt halp her. After math I go outside and The Key Keeper is waiting for me because we wanted to hang out. On the walk back to my house we talk about the stuff about drama stuff and stuff like stuff and I'm all trying to keep the Peace in a matter that really doesn't concern me.... but  Hey! I help ware I can. When we get to my house I teach her math in a way that will stick in her mind for a brutal 2 hours.   

For Example)

6x+ 2y = 18 

I have to explain how to make this equation into an equation I can graph

so pretty much I have to get the y alone and this is the conversation

me: We need to get the y alone so we can graph it

her: I wonder what 5 seconds of summer is doing right now?


me: I'm not getting anywhere an I ?

her: not really

me: *my dignity comes out with a deep breath* the  2 is Luke and the y is Arzaylea (she hates her) your mission is to split them up and leave her all alone

Her: teach me how to do such a wonderful thing

me: But you  cant just divide them because Calum(6) and Michael(X) are rooming with them so they need to kick them out without splitting their bromance and hurting their feelings

her: ok

me: so you positively say say to Calum and Michael "Hey guys Luke's place is overrated why don't you go to Ashton's house (18) and room there

Her: Yay!

Me: So now Calum and Michael go over to Ashton's house and are like "Hey dude this is our house now so buy your own new bed cuz we're taking this one and they kick Ashton to the back of the equation but because Ashton is such a positive guy he stays positive

her: how are you making math fun!?

me:  now you can divide Luke and Arzaylea by telling Luke to take money from each boy and ditch Arzaylea and for some reason he does and you divide the rest of the boys by Luke and your mission is a success

her: OK I get it

Here is the end result

6 x + 2 y = 1 8

+6 x          +6 x

2 y  = 6 x + 18

÷ 2     ÷2     ÷2

y   =  3 x   +    9


Anyway, after 2 hours of that, we decide to go to the mall with her dad. The Key Keeper brought $30 for Hot Topic (She likes Hot Topic but I really don't fit in there except the Harry Potter section) and her dad sat in a massage chair as we shopped. We sat down and got some pretzels. About ten feet away from us these 2 boys sat down and were talking about them and they kept looking at The Key Keeper. the convo went like this...

m" they look gay

h" yep

M" think they're dating

h" by body positioning, no

m" by their hair?

h" yep

we laugh

h" they keep looking at us

m" not me they're looking at you

m" do you think they hear us?

h" Hey boys if you can hear us one of you wink


m" they winked

h" no they didn't!


m" yes they did!

h" I'm going to creep them out

m" ok

I didn't expect her to get out of her seat and go up to them!

h" hey

b1" hi?

h" do you know why people call me Nemo?

b2" Um... no

H" cuz I'm not afraid to touch the butt

internally freaking out and the boys looked surprised as she walks back to me

m" we need to make up an excuse

h" OK

we walk back to them

h" hi again sorry about that we have a Youtube Chanel and my friend was recording that can we post it?

m" it was our most requested video

boys" sure

and we walk away victorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep you updated


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