We pulled up about five minutes later. After parking we got out of the car and walked into the building. As soon as we entered and she scanned the building, "An arcade?" I grinned, "You up for a game of Lazer tag?" She nodded quickly and smiled.

We put on our colored vest and decided to play against each other with a group of younger kids. We split into two teams and went to either side. When we got to our side I knelt down, "Okay split up and attack the other team. I got the brunete in glasses. You guys get whoever else." They nodded. A horn rang signalling the start of the game. At the same time the lights went out, illuminating our glow in the dark vest and guns. The kids began running enthusiastically. I stayed against a wall and tiptoed. I peered around every corner, yet no sign of Lucy. I jogged around the course evading all the little kids who just shot at each other laughing.

At the end of the course their was a wall, Lucy had to be hiding behind it. I slowly crept toward it pointing my gun. I jumped behind the wall, "Aha!" No one was there. Suddenly I felt a hard object against my back and heard a giggle, "Move and I shoot." I peered over my shoulder and saw a pair of green orbs. I grinned, "You got me." She chuckled, "Put your hands up." I dropped my gun with one hand and began lifting my other hand slowly, I quickly grabbed her gun from behind me causing her to squeal and pulled her against the wall infront of me holding her wrist on either side of her head against the wall, "Gotcha." She chuckled and breathed heavily, "No fair." I smiled, "I'm just to fast for you Grey." She blinked, "Okay then hotshot shoot me." My smile faded as I realized our guns had fallen and both my hands were occupied holding Lucy against the wall so I couldn't grab it. I looked back at her, she tilted her head to the side chuckling, "Didn't think that one through did ya pal?" My eyes narrowed at her, "Don't test my intelligence Grey." "After what you've shown me I doubt you have any Watson."

"Rude much, Grey?" "Just let me go, you obviously can't shoot me." "Or else what?" "Or else I'll call backup." "Backup? All the kids are busy shooting each other." She yelled out a bird call, " KA KAH!" We waited a minute in silence, and no one came. "See your stuck here with me." Suddenly my vest flashed colors, I've been shot. I looked behind me and there was a little boy about 5 years old with his gun pointed to me giggling. I chuckled looking back at Lucy letting her go. She smiled leaning in closer to me and whispered into my ear,


With that she winked and bent over gabbing her gun from the ground and walked away past me to high five the little boy who had shot me leaving me to watch her walk away with my jaw dropped.

The lights flickered back on, meaning the end of the session. We walked out returning our guns and taking off our vest. We walked out the building and walked toward the parking lot. "That was a good game." She looked over at me smiling, "It was. I had fun." "Me too." After we hoped into the car I turned on the ignition and began backing out of the space I was parked in. "You hungry?" "Yeah a little." "What do you feel like having." She looked at me, "A burger sounds good." I grinned, "Your wish is my command Princess."


"Just admit it Jake."

"No way Princess. We both know you got lucky."

She rolled her eyes throwing a french fry at me, "Your so stubborn." I grabbed the fry biting it, "I'm not being stubborn I'm just stating the facts." For the past fifteen minutes she had been arguing that she was better at lazer tag. And obviously I didn't give in because, she isn't better it was pure luck. "Whatever."

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