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I sat at the table waiting for Ethan. I was on my phone.

Then I heard someone sit down I turned off my phone assuming it was Ethan, "Hey E-Jake?"

Jake was sitting in front of me with a perky smile on his face. I sat there until he finally spoke, "Im going to your house later to hang with Austin and I was wondering if while I was there if you would help me study math?" Ethan finally came and took a seat next to me.

I pursed my lips saying, "Well Ethan is coming over to study with me, right Ethan?" He looked at me confused until he finally got the hint, "Oh yeah, but Lucy I'm sure he could join for a while." I sighed "Sure I guess." Jake smiled getting up "Cool ill see you later."

As soon as he left I turned back to Ethan as he questioned, "Why didn't you want him to go over?"
"You really think I want to spend my time alone with him?!"

He chuckled "So your answer was making me lie about going over?"
I gave him my puppy dog face "Please come i dont want to be alone with him."

His jawline clenched which he did when he was nervous or angry.
"Of course I'll be there Sunshine any day, anytime. But tell me what did he do to make you so nervous?"
He took my hand hand and held it.

I smiled at his protection, "Well um nothing E forget it." He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my head so we were making eye contact. "Luciana I know when your lying"
My full name. He only used it when he was serious. "He hasn't done anything but recently he's been staring at me which just weirds me out. I promise nothing else." He gave a small smile. "I believe you and I can't blame him your beautiful Sunshine."

He took my hand and interlaced out fingers when he said that. Butterflies flied in my stomach. I felt my cheeks burned.

Im beautiful?
He's your bestfriend he's held your hand before why does this time feel any different?

I looked at our hands, then up to Ethan. His brown fluffy hair was placed perfectly. His beautiful big brown eyes stared into mine. His red T-shirt fit him well and his jeans matched perfectly. Along with his  black converse.

My cheeks burned more when he caught me staring and chuckled, "Im beautiful too aren't I?" I smiled slightly, "You'd like to think that, I was just staring at the chocolate from your cookie on your face." He smiled "Sure Sunshine."

After school I met Ethan and we walked towards Austin's car. "Austin um Ethan is coming over so I'm going in his car." He took a quick look at Ethan then at me, "Ok, it's not the first time he's been there. Besides mom loves him." I nodded and turned around walking back to Ethan's car.

"So I'm your mom's favorite?"

I rolled my eyes, "Isn't it obvious she always makes your favorite food and pampers you as the guest of honor." He smiled as we got into his car. "Not to mention you're a sweet guy. Who wouldn't love you?" His smiled giving me a cheesy smile, "Sunshine, are you implying you love me?" I rolled my eyes, "Well I don't know what I would do without you."

He took his eyes off the road and smiled at me winking, "Lucy my days would be a rain storm without you."

We arrived at my place and sat on the couch to study. Well we would study in my room but Austin is super protective even though Ethan has been here a billion times.

I set my glasses on the coffee table as we began studying. We sat and after a while my mind wandered. "Ethan have you had your fist kiss?" He smiled looking into space as if he were remembering something. "Yea I was in first grade." I smiled at the thought of little Ethan. "What happened?"

He began playing with my fingers. "Well Sunshine there was a girl named Veronica. I thought she was pretty and well one day I lied and said, look a bird, she looked but when she turned back I gave her a quick peck and ran away."  "Ethan your a manipulator!," I joked. He pointed his finger at me, "Was not." I laughed, "Yes you were."

He smiled and tickled me. "Ethan stop!" I tried pushing his hand but I couldn't.  He laughed "Say I'm innocent!" I continued laughing as my back layed against the couch. He continued tickling me by hovering over me. My eyes were closed as I laughed, "Never!" I tried pushing him but I failed as it only made him pin my arms down by my hips. I wasn't being tickled anymore but I was still panting as I layed under him and stared into his eyes. He began to lean in slowly.

As he did muffled voices grew out the door. He bounced off of me and off the couch, accompanied by a loud thump. Austin and Jake came in laughing about something until they turned and saw us. I smiled, "Hey guys." Jake smiled, "Hey." But Austin only stared suspiciously.

I looked at Ethan and he got up with a groan, taking his spot back on the couch. I bit my bottom lip suppressing a laugh. Austin didn't say anything and turned to Jake, "Wanna play GTA?" Jake pursed his lips then looked me, "Um ill go up but first I need Lucy to explain something to me about this math problem." Austin nodded, "I'm going to shower then after you're done come up. Keep an eye on these two they might me best friends but I don't know." He left and went upstairs. Jake looked at us and said, "Ill be right back i'm getting get a snack from the fridge."

After he left I looked at Ethan who was just sitting there awkwardly. I blushed thinking about what just happened until he finally said something, "So um what about you?" I looked up at him, "Me what?" "Your first kiss Sunshine." I smiled sheepishly then blushed, "Er- um I haven't had one yet."

His eyes widened then he rubbed the back of his neck, his mouth opened slightly to say something.
Just then Jake came in and took a seat between us. "Study time."
He smiled at both of us opening up the Math book.

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