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She was beautiful. That much I knew. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, both inside and out. Everything was so hazy these day's but she was my clarity. I remembered everything. Everything from her almost raven colored hair that flowed over her pale shoulders, How it was slightly more brown when you looked at it in certain lights. To the small dimples that only formed on her cheeks when she was genuinely smiling. Not that fake smile she gave to her friends or parents, but the one that only I had the privilege of seeing. She was mine and I was hers. I couldn't get her out of my head. She was all I thought about every day. My Olivia.

A/N hi please leave a vote/comment it really keeps me motivated to keep writing. Tell me what you think so far. Keep in mind that this story is currently unedited and english is not my first language, so i apoligise in advance for bad spelling and grammar. Lots of love: eo 

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