We stay there for a few hours and read more about the opposing necalace.

Suddenly a guard rushes in the library.
"Your highness" he says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"There is a rouge attack. You need to go to the sa-" he says but drops to the floor.
Behind him stands a grey wolf.

He killed the guard.
Me and Amber gasp and Ryan shifts into his menacing black wolf.

Go with Amber away from this rouge. Don't wait for me. Be safe.


I know you are probably like:
What the hell!! Why are you leaving your mate with a rouge all alone?

Well I trust Ryan. He always knows what to do and I hate seeing people die so I need to be prepared.

I grab Amber and we run off into the bookshelves.

"Wait" she says. She points to a part in a book which has been carved out to the shape of my necalace.
"Put it there." She says and I hurriedly do as told.

Suddenly a door opens and we run in.

"Ehem" she coughs. "Light"

"Oh yeah" I say and I look at my palm to make a thing of fire appear.

"Your getting the hang of it" she says and I nod. We carry on looking and we reach a room

"Wow" we both say as we look at a ball of crystal.

I touch it and a bright light appears to reveal another carve of my necalace but this time my whole necalace. I take it off and place it in.

The necalace disappears and a bracelet comes out.

It is quite thick and as a round blue gem on it.
I pick it up and put it on.

"Wow" she says. "That is such a nice bracelet"

"Thanks." I say. "I'm gonna use it to save this castle."

"Stay here. No one knows this place except the royal family" I say and go out of the room and into the library.
I go to where Ryan was before.
I see that he is fighting the rouge.

"Well well well. Who do we have here?" He says.

"Hands off my mate" I say and grit my teeth.

"No can do honey" he says and goes closer to my tired mate.

"You don't understand do you?" I say and bring flames to my hand.

He looks shocked and gulps.

Ha! That's what I thought!

I make plants grow from the floor and wrap around his neck. I squeeze my hand and the plants suffocate him. After a few mins, his body falls to the floor and the plants go back into the ground.

I then go to the throne room and look for any wolf.
I walk closer to the thrones.

"Look who we have here" a rusty voice says.
I swiftly turn around and see a rouge in its human form.
I grit my teeth and bring flames to my hand.

"Easy there. You don't want your sister to be hurt. Do you?" He says as another rouge comes forward with Amber in one hand and a knife in the other.
I send a glare at him but stop the flames.

I can't risk them hurting my sister.

"Good choice." He says and goes out.
The last person smiles evilly and pushes the knife through Amber's stomach.
He then goes.

I run to Amber. I could have saved her but I didn't. I was a fool to believe them.
I place my hands on her wound and close my eyes.
I concentrate on healing her and it feels like I'm not living. Like I'm not conscious but I'm not unconscious. I'm in the middle.
I feel the skin turning back to normal and so I open my eyes.

Weak and tired.
Just as Amber opens her eyes, I fall down and the darkness takes over.


Hi guys!
I am sorry that I haven't updated in so long.
I didn't want to make you wait to I made a short filler chapter for now.

This book has 13.5K views!!!!!! OMG!!! This is the highest I have gone with any book.

Question of the chapter:
What was Ryan talking about with Brynn's father??

I will see you in the next chaper!


A Lost Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now