Play Time - Joker

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This is my first 'for fun' imagine. I will be doing a lot of funny lines (Hopefully) and it won't be as serious as my other imagines.


You laid in your bed, bored as hell. Your boyfriend, J, should be home by now. But he weren't. As usual. So you decided to play a bit. You walked into J's 'play room' yawning. The yoga pants you were wearing, hadn't been washed in two days. And your top, was just a white tank. You looked around. Lots and lots of knives and guns were hanging on the wall. But that was when you noticed them. The canes. You took one of them. The prettiest. You tossed the cane around in your hands, imagining to be J. You sat down on his 'throne'. "Now be a good girl for daddy" you imitated, trying to laugh like your boyfriend. You put the cane down on the floor, only to pick it up seconds after. You wandered around the house, with the cane in your hand. You walked into the kitchen, the floor had just been washed. But you didn't know. So of course, you slipped. Your butt fell down on the cold floor. You looked around, just to be met by a broken cane. "Oh shit" you whispered. You picked up the broken cane, and walked into the play room. You put the broken pieces down on the table. "Well.." You said to yourself. "RIP cane.." You added. You ran out of the room as fast as you could. You didn't want J to get mad at you. But you knew he would. That was his favorite cane. You stormed off into your bedroom, and laid down on the bed, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Y/N!" J yelled. Holy shit. He had found out. You walked into the play room, with a guilty look on your face. "You broke daddy's cane" he said, with no emotion in his voice. "Maybe.." You put your arms up in the air, showing that you were guilty. J stopped you from walking out of the room. "That was daddy's favorite cane" he whispered. You closed your eyes, still smiling. "You think it's funny!" He yelled. You nodded, and looked at him. He shook his index finger, pointing at you. "I think you need a punishment" he said. You covered your mouth, trying not to crack. "O-okay" you mumbled. You kissed his cheek, running off. You didn't want a punishment.

"That's what you get for breaking daddy's cane!"

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