Chapter two

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The next day I woke up in my bed confused at first but then realized that I feel asleep during movie night.

I get up and look at the time.

"Shit!" I only had 15 minutes to get ready.

I grabbed my tooth brush and put toothpaste on it and then ran out of my room.

"Jake!" I poked my head in his door to make sure he was up.

"I'm up!" He yelled from his bathroom. I ran back into my room and rinsed my mouth out, brushed my hair, and put on a little makeup.

"Jake I'm getting a ride with Nicole so don't wait up and make sure you get to school on time!" I yelled as I finished getting dressed and putting on my shoes.

"I won't!" He yelled back laughing . I rolled my eyes. Dumbass.

"Get your ass to school on time!" I heard him chuckle.

I grabbed my backpack and phone and ran outside and Into the passengers seat of my best friends car.

"Finally! You know I've. Been sitting here for eight minutes!? Eight!" My friend Nicole said very enthusiastically. Um...okay?

"Sorry Dillon and Jake made me have a movie night with them last night. Thats why I woke up late this morning."




"DONT YELL IN MY EAR." I said really loud by her ear getting her back.

"You ass! We could've crashed!" She said being dramatic.

"We could crash at any second when you're driving." I snorted.

"Fuck you!" I started laughing harder after that one.

"Love you too sweetheart." I blew her a kiss and then got out of her car. Yeah that was fast. We live like five minutes away from school so.

"Hunter!" I yelled and jumped on my other best friends back.

"Em!" He said laughing and turned to look at me.

"Take me to my locker!" I demanded. He laughed and followed my orders.

"Guys! Wait up!" Nicole yelled after us. Hunter and I laughed watching her run after us.

Nicole ,Hunter, and I have known each other since diapers. They're like family. Just like Dillon is family too so are they. We've been through everything together. No matter what we always have each other to fall back on. I smiled at that thought.

"Hey look at our little kitty smile Nicole." Hunter said in a voice like he was talking to a little kid. Yeah after the first movie I called them and told them about what happened if you're wondering.

"Shut up!" I said and barried my face in hunters back. They call me kitty because they know I've hated cats ever since that one time. I shivered thinking about it.
"Please tell me that wasn't a real shiver." Hunter said laughing really hard.

"Knowing her it was!" Nicole said really loud and then people started looking at us in amusement.

I started laughing with my friends. Their laughs are very contagious. Nicole sounds like a dying chicken when she laughs.

Then my eyes met with someones I was praying to god I wouldn't see today. I stopped laughing. All emotion I had was gone. My face was expressionless.

I felt hunter tense and he stopped laughing too. I jumped off of hunters back and just stood behind him and started opening my locker.

"I'm going to kill him." Nicole said finally understanding what was going on.

"If looks could kill." Hunter mumbled. He's been staring him down since he saw him.

"Guys let's just go to class. The bell rings in like five minutes." I said with my head down. Hunter put his arm around me protectively. I looked back one more time to see Dillon about to approach him. My eyes widened.

"Dillon!" I shouted hoping he heard me and thank god he did. He started walking to me and all of a sudden I got mad.

"I told you to leave it alone Dillon!" I said as he came within hearing range.

"How do you expect me to leave it alone Em?! Tell me because I don't understand stand!" He said now in front of me.

"Because! It happened to me, Dillon! Me! Not you! I don't want to deal with this okay? I have too much on my plate already as it is. Just respect my decision because I'm not going to tell you again!" Everyone was looking now. Including him. That made me even more mad. I let out a frustrated groan and grabbed Hunter and Nicoles arm and walked to my first period.

"Wow." Hunter said when we sat down.

" I wish he would just understand that it's over and down with. I don't want to deal with it. I just wish nothing happened." I put my head in my hands.

"He cares about you Em. We all do. Just give the guy a break." Hunter said rubbing my back.

The classes were slow and boring. I couldn't even pay attention half the time and got yelled at multiple times for "day dreaming".

"Emma!" Nicole ran down the hall to get to me.

"I'll meet you and Hunter at the table. Save me a spot." I smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I have to put some books in my locker. God knows I'm not about to carry these everywhere." She laughed and walked off.

"See you!" She said and disappeared down the hall.

I sighed as I opened my locker and then froze.

"Leave me alone." I let out a shaky breath.

"Why should I?" There it was. His dumbass response. Coming from no one other then Walker Thompson.

"Because I don't have time for asses like you." I said.

"You seemed to have time for asses like me the other night." He didn't just say that. I shoved my books in my looker and slammed it shut.

"Careful love," he paused," I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

I turned to face him with tears in my eyes. "Look, I don't have time for this. Just leave me alone. Please." A tear fell.

"Are you okay?" He grabbed my shoulders and was looking at me as if trying to figure out what broke. Like I'm something he can fix.

"No. I'm not okay." I looked at him,"you know before that stupid party I was a virgin? I bet you didn't know that. Oh wait, I would put it past you if you did. You like to take girls when they're vonerable and ruin them. I'm not some slut you can use walker! I' just a girl for god sakes! It's hard you look at you. Every time I do I feel like crying. Sure, call me childish, call me baby. I just actually really wanted to save that for some I actually love! Not some stupid high school party where I was drunk out of my mind!! I didn't even want to go to this party! That's what sucks too. My first time was with you." I said crying my eyes out by the time I was finished.

"I..." wow he actually has nothing to say.

I let out a frustrated scream and kicked my locker. I slowly slid to the floor. I hate being this weak. I felt him sit down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. He rested his head on mine and as much as I hate to admit it I loved they way it felt being in his arms. I felt safe.

I hope you all liked this chapter and sorry for any mistakes!!
Love you guys
Autum xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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