"Why are you two laughing?"

"Be- cau- se, hahaha"

"Well... We will leave you two to whatever you are doing... And what game?"

Ryan's POV~~~~~~~

This house is amazing! But very expensive... At least to me. Wait... We have 6 and maybe 7 people paying it off with us. It Good! And over half the people have actual jobs! Not just YouTube! This might just actually work!

"Should we pay some off now? And get the house?"

"Heck yeah Zach! How much you For? I have $550"

"I have $280,"

"Let's do this..."

Megan's POV~~~~~~

I just felt my phone vibrate, Zach is texting me?

"GUYS WE ARE GETTING A NEW AND BIGGER HOUSE!!!!", I practically must have screamed that because everyone else just looked at me with a concerned-ish expression were either so surprised about the house or that I can scream that loud.

"That's great!"

"And he wants us to drive there! I think they are paying the mortgage off for the first month!"

This is my time to ask Zach and Ryan, because they are the leaders of the house, to move in with them.

"Hey Ryan? Zach?"

"yeah Megan?"

"I am just going to be straightforward with you... Can I moved in, I mean back in... I will pay all the rent that I need to and do whatever you need me to and-"

"-Megan... It is fine you can live as long as you want,"

"Yeah Megan,"

"Thank you guys so much! And I can sell my old house to help pay too!

"Oh yeah, that is a good idea!"

"So are we getting it today?"

"Maybe? We have to pay 20,000 dollars to start..."


"BUUUUUT! I knew this day would come soon, or something really tragic would happen to the house."

"How much?"

"I have $550 on me and about $10,000-ish at the house. So we have-"

*Ryan starts mumbling numbers*

"10,830 dollars right now, but we will ask the others too."

"Yeah! Should I ask?"

"That would be great, Zach is asking the group of Preston, Nathan, Megan, and Landon. But you can ask the ones over there, at least how much they have on them,"

Zach walked up to me and said all of the combined right now, they have $5,500. So that would be $16,330 and a little less than 4,000 dollars to go.

"Hey Zach, I am going to run back to the house to get the money, texy me how much the others had and if they have any money they can spare in the house."

"Megan said she had and her group had $3,891,"

"And 1?"


"Oh, I am going to be back in 10 minutes"

I took off running and i was thinking about how Y/N always had wanted to go to Paris. And I was thinking I could propose there. See! I CAN THINK TOO LANDON!! In your face. I opened the door and realized this house isn't really all that far from our OLD house.

Y/N's POV~~~~~~

We got to pick our own rooms! I want the basement because it is the biggest one. I don't think it actually supposed to be a room, but it will work. It has room for 2 computer sets, room for 2 beds, a closet, and a bathroom! Plus, we are the only one downstairs!! Nathan claimed the room 2 stories above us. Megan claimed the room next to Nathan. Zach and Meagan got the one next to Nathan and across from Megan, and Burt wanted the one by the bathroom down the stairs from the others. There is also a HUGE basement which I thought we could get at least one side of it, the other side for washer and dryer and stuff like that. I want to go ask Zach,

"Hey Zach... You know how you wanted the upstairs room? That Ryan and me have?..."

"Umm... Yeah! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR IT!!!!!!"

"Anything you say? But can me and Ryan have the basement?"

"I am sort of terrified now... But yeah sure!"

"THANK YOU! Shake on it?"



"Number one; Dang it... Number two; Don't EVER call me Zachary EVER AGAIN!!"

*cough* "Zachary,"


He jumped me... He JUMPED me... HE JUMPED ME!!!! And we both went down hard and he would have strangled me if Ryan and Moose didn't see,

"Thank you," I said brushing dirt off me, "RYAN!!! DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE ROOM?!?"

"Ummm... Sure?"


I lead him DOWNSTAIRS and he loved it too. He was even deciding where he would put his bed, wow. That seems like him...

"Sometimes Ryan... You think too much..."


"But I love it,"


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I am just going to miss the old house. It was all of our first memories about being a Proper Production member. Jay and Garrett were even there to help pay it. And it was also your first house with us too."

"Yeah... Even though I have only been living with you guys for a month... I am going to miss this house,"

"At least we have each other,"


"C'mon guys!! We payed it!"

"Yay! We will be there in a second!"

"No matter what happens to us, Y/N. No house or house, I will always love you."

"I will always love you too Ryan,"

I want a new idea for a character, comment if you want one. Just say who you want this character to be with if you want anyone and what the name would be for this character. Also their personality, thanks bai!

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