Chapter Five

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Jerry Cannan's POV
"Good morning, sweetie", I say waking up my wife.
"Good morning", she grudgingly replies.
"How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?"
"Only a little bit but once I take my medication I should be fine", she responds as she gets out of the bed and heads to the bathroom.
"When you come out, we have to talk."
"Yes, yes we do."

I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling with a million thoughts floating around my head. Things like my new daughter and what Chelsea's condition is and how much my life is going to change.

I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to start making breakfast before we had to leave for the hospital.

As I started heating up the stove, I heard Lisa coming down the stairs.
"All better?" I asked.
"Yes, much better."
She took a seat on a bar stool and leaned her elbows on the cold counter of the peninsula.
"I love you so much, and love our growing family, but do you know how much our life is going to change with Chelsea in the hospital?", I say trying to be very direct even though it hurt to say the words that were coming out of my mouth.
"I-I", she started but then she began to cry. "I don't know anymore. Maybe her condition isn't as bad as we think but who knows, it could be so much worse and-"
She was interrupted with the ringing of the phone.
"Hello, this is Jerry Cannan.", I say picking up the phone.
"Good morning Mr. Cannan, this is Dr. Kleeper. Chelsea just woke up from her coma but we are going to start examinations on her right away so you can see her as soon as you can.", the doctor responded.
"That's great! Thank you so much", I tried to hold back my tears as I hung up the phone.
I turned around to Lisa with a weak smile and said "Chelsea's awake".

Chelsea's POV
I slowly opened my eyes.
At first everything was very dark but as my eyes started to adjust to the light, I saw a doctor and a nurse standing over me.
"Wha-what ha-happened?" I try to make out.
"You suffered from a coma and possible spinal cord injury due to the car accident you were in", Dr. Kleeper explained as the nurse walked over to the phone hanging on the wall and began to dial a number.
A million thoughts were swimming through my brain as I tried to process all of the new information.
"B-but I don't re-remember anything that-that happened..." my voice started to trail off.
"That's okay. It's completely normal. It's also normal that you're stammering with your words. You have been in no contact with anyone for 48 hours."
I couldn't help myself, I just started to cry.
"Shhhh... it's going to be okay", the nurse said rubbing the top of my head as she walked back to the phone.
I heard her whisper to the doctor, "They are on their way."
"Perfect. Here, let's get you up and run a few MRI's so we can fill out a diagnosis", said Dr.Kleeper.
I tried to sit up or even move but I could only move my neck.
"I-I can't m-m-move", I said starting to shake. I started to get really nervous.

I heard Dr. Kleeper whisper something quickly to the nurse and she gasped.

"Wha-what's wrong?" I ask with my voice trembling.
No one answered. Then Dr. Kleeper said, "Carol, take the wheelchair out and go grab the stretcher", he said with much panic which wasn't helping with my nervousness.

"What's go-going on?"
"You're condition is worse than we thought."
The room started spinning. "I-I don't feel g-g-good."
I felt something creep up my throat.
Then, I vomited all over myself.
My face turned bright red from embarrassment. I wasn't expecting any of this information and my nerves took over me.
The doctor grabbed a bunch of wet paper towels from the bathroom and started cleaning up the mess.
Soon, the nurse ran back in with the stretcher. She saw what had happened and ran to the bathroom to help.
More tears began to run down my face. I couldn't hold them back.
"Shhhhh", the nurse said with calmness. "You're all right."

All of a sudden I saw my parents' faces in the doorway.
"M-Mom..... D-d-daddy..... I love you s-so much...."
I started to tune out everything that was going on and it looked as though everything was happening in slow motion.
A small smile spread across my face as I was staring at my parents. I missed them so much.
I soon felt hands on my back as I was being lifted from the bed onto the stretcher.
As I was being moved to the examination, the nurse gave me the 'run down',
"When you get in there, we will place you on the exam table and leave the room but you will be able to see us through the window so that if anything goes wrong, we can get in there as soon as possible. Try not to move as that will skew the results but, you shouldn't have a problem with that. It will take about half an hour to forty five minutes. I can promise you that the time will go by quickly."
Just as she had finished, we reached the room.
I saw my parents through the window and they look so depressed and I felt horrible for putting them through all this.
I then heard Dr. Kleeper say over the intercom, "We are starting in 3....2....1... try to stay nice and relaxed. You will hear my voice when the exam is over."
Then it was silent.
Well this is pretty awkward. Just laying here watching this round thing spin around me.
I wonder if Liam came to visit. Oh Liam, I miss you so much. I want to know what he had planned for me.
I felt my eyes starting to water.
Stay strong. It will be over before I know it. Just think happy thoughts, like unicorns jumping over rainbows or all of my friends who are waiting for me back at school or how everyone's lives will be so much better if I was dead.
Right, I forgot just happy thoughts....just happy thoughts.....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Don't forget to leave comments, I love reading all of the support from everyone!

~Emily 💖

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