Fools On Lover's Day

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Hana, looking curious, nodded so the pink ends of her hair moved against the silk kimono she was in. Giving a smile to Takehiro, she went with the young woman when she got up and followed her out of sight.

Both Ren and Takehiro watched until they were gone. And then, much to Takehiro's surprise, Ren pounded on the table and looked back at him.

"What do I do?" He shouted at him, a little more excitedly than Takehiro was used to.

Staring up at him, Takehiro frowned. "About what?" He asked in a low unfriendly voice as he tucked his hands into his sleeves. That Ren was expressing weakness in front of him and asking for help had him wondering but not compliant.

"Yuuna. It's Lover's Day. I have to do something for her," Ren pressed.

Takehiro, understanding now, smirked, a devilish shadow falling over his face. And then he chuckled as he craned his head upward. "Is that what has you wound up so tight?" He asked, seeming to be amused by the whole thing.

Ren grit his teeth and tucked his chin. "I knew you'd laugh," he growled. And then, with a dramatic flourish, he pointed at Takehiro. "But you haven't even got anything planned for your wife!"

Takehiro chuckled, looking completely confident. "I do," he corrected so Ren's face fell. "I have everything planned. It will be perfect," he said, emphasizing his confidence.

"What--what are you going to do?" Ren asked, now faltering.

And then, to rub his superiority in the cat's face, Takehiro explained.


Hana stood behind Yuuna, who was on the back porch staring at the lovely grounds of the den. The grass was greener than any she'd seen, the little stream that went through from the front was glistening, and the sakura tree hidden there was flourishing even more beautifully than the few that stood out front. Seeing it, Yuuna smiled softly. Takehiro really was taking care of it like he promised. That meant Hana was going to have a very long life indeed.

Yuuna lowered her head then and bit her lip before clamping her eyes shut. And then she heard a giggle behind her.

"You're struggling with what to give Ren, aren't you?" Hana asked.

Startled, Yuuna looked back at her with wide eyes. And then she whimpered and put her face in her hands. Hana, smiling with pity at her, came and put her arms around her, her hand stroking the girl's back. There was a time, when she didn't have hands, that she wasn't able to comfort her like this. But now... Her smile turned grateful as she thought of how happy she was to be able touch the people she cared for.

"He'll be happy with whatever it is, you know," she assured her. "But I wonder... Are you in love with him?" She asked.

Yuuna tensed at that and she straightened to look at her. "I..." Her brow lowered and she looked away. "I don't really know."

Hana chuckled, looking amused. "Liar. But I won't press it."

Yuuna set her lips together, staring at the ground. As she did, Hana looked thoughtful.

"Have you thought of something and aren't certain about it?" She asked. Yuuna glanced at her and nodded. So, Hana stared at her. "Well, tell me. I don't know Ren as well as you, but I might be able to help..."

Yuuna, though a confident girl in her smarts, had never been anything but nervous when it came to social matters. The only ones she was comfortable around was Hana and Takehiro. Takehiro because he'd been her servant for a long time and Hana because she'd become her only friend.

That was why she wasn't embarrassed to admit how long she'd been preparing for this. "I painted him something. But... I don't know if he'll want it. We live together. He as my servant the way Takehiro was. But..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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