Being Friends

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A while had passed since you and Rem became friends. Turns out the both of you had some things in common like the both of you have good grades and the both of you love playing shogi. You were in the middle of playing Shogi with Rem until the other student council members interrupted you. Urie saw you and said,"Why hello there, butterfly, you must be that new student that everyone is talking about." You sighed and said,"Oh great I'm guessing that's the vice president."

Rem nods his head and he moves another piece on the shogi board. You knew that he was winning so you decided to make a little trap for him. You moved one of your pieces and once Rem moved his piece, you smirked at him. You move one of your shogi pieces and said,"Checkmate." Rem was slightly shocked and the other student council members were shocked as well. They said,"She won?!" You then said,"Fancy another game?" Rem sighed and said,"No, victory is yours."

Mage then said,"Rem if I didn't know any better I'd say you let her won on purpose." Rem frowned and said,"I did not she's just a good player that's all." Shiki smiled at you creepily and you didn't like it but you didn't mind hanging out with Rem because you knew that he was a bit like you in some ways. You were perfectly fine being his best friend but you were a little concerned if or when he was going to learn about you being a half devil.


After that encounter with Urie you tried your best to use for the spell to hypnotise Urie but no matter how many times you try nothing happens it was almost as if he was immune. However, instead of using your spell on him you were happy enough to be his friend. You were walking around in the school hallways until a certain someone covered your eyes from behind. You smirked and said,"What are you doing, Urie?" You looked over your shoulder and Urie was smirking at you.

He said,"I like surprising my little butterfly." You glared at him and said,"I don't recall being your 'little butterfly'." Urie chuckled and said,"Well you are my friend." Urie stroked your cheek with a flirtatious smirk on his face and he said,"You are the most beautiful butterfly that I've met in a long time and I knew from the moment our eyes met, it was fate that we would be together." You giggled and said,"You mean as friends, though, right~" Urie sweat dropped and he wanted you to be more than his friend but you didn't care either way.

You then said,"Well I love to stick around and chat but I've gotta go." You were about to turn on your heel and leave until Urie got in front of you and he said,"Not so fast, I want to stick around with you a little longer." Your eyes glowed purple again and you said,"I said it's time for me to go and do not follow me, OK?" Your eyes stopped glowing and Urie blinked a few times and he said,"Odd, what was that about?" You sweat dropped and you thought your spell didn't work on him but this time, it looks like it had. Urie then said,"Well anyway, you better get going my sweet butterfly." You smiled at him and left.

When you turned a corner you fist bump and said,"Yes! finally, took a while but my hypnotising spell finally works on him, hehe..." You chuckled evilly but you were also a bit worried that he learnt about you being a succubus everytime he sees your (E/c) eyes turn a glowing purple colour.


You punched another male student in the face and he crashed into the wall that was behind him. You chuckled evilly and you walked towards him and you grabbed his throat and said,"You've got some nerve making fun of me, are you really asking for a death wish?" He sweat dropped and said,"No ma'am! of course not! I didn't mean to! please don't hurt me!" You smirked and said,"I already did, idiot!" You punched him again knocking him out in the process. You got off him and you walked away with your hands in your blazer pockets.

Mage watched the whole fight and he noticed how hot you looked when you fighting like that just now. As you were walking away, Mage caught up to you and said,"Hey, that was impressive what you did back there." You smirked at Mage and said,"Thank you." Since you two met, you and Mage became close friends since he was the only person that you could stand to be around with. Mage then said,"You really are different comparing to the other girls I've met." You smiled and said,"I'll take that as a compliment, anyway, I better go into hiding before the teachers start lecturing me again."

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