Chapitre 6 discovery.... Steve Rogers is Captain America...

Start from the beginning

Then he spoke " Stark we have to talk"

" JARVIS there's an intruder in my office " then the AI spoke

" I am sorry ,sir, my fonction are turned off " wow that man did hack an artificial intelligence that's something

" what do you want director Fury?? " asked Tony.

" we have to talk , you have to join the Avengers we need you "

" No I won't work for you, get out of my building Percy get him out " I nodded and showed the way to Director Fury to the elevator then he accompanied me .


" Director, I will try to convince Tony to join your team and save the world" I told him while grinning he nodded

" and don't tell anyone that I spoke to you, are we in the same page? " he nodded again

" if I believe what I read is it about Loki and his army " I lied he nodded, then the door opened and said goodbye to the director

" bye director see you soon"then he crossed the glass door to enter the exteriors of the building.

I took the elevator to go back in the office. Tony was reading papers " Tony why don't you want to be an Avengers? "

" to much problem with Fury and he want to take control of me and my babies" he said babies while caressing a tablet

" don't you want to save the world ? " I asked him with a tempting voice.

" save the world from what?" He asked me.

" save the world from a god and an armies from outer space, are you in?" I Asked

" yes I am " he answered me.

" good I will call Director Fury and tell him."I left the office and called Fury to told him the news about Stark.

Nick Fury P.O.V
I was entering the SHIELD HQ when my cellphone rang I answered

" hello? Fury speaking "

" Director Fury , I call you to tell you that Mr. Stark is joining the Avenger" what??? How did he did that that stubborn man can't join a thing without winning something, those that mean he must know something that I don't

" well done Stark assistant"

" well your welcome have a good afternoon sir " then the call ended
I entered the elevator an thinking about the conversation with Percy , whose Loki ? And which Army?? Those information weren't in any document. After I entered my office I opened my screen and looked for the name Percy... his name was no where found this is the fucking SHIELD we're talking about, how is it possible to not have his folder ???? Well I know where he is now?? The next time i saw him I will capture him and ask him who he is.


As the week passed I didn't get the chance to look for him the week was really annoying we completed the team with Clint, Barnner and Thor a Norse god yeah I know a god. The strangest thing is that in the week we found another god, and guess who?..... Yeah Loki like Percy told me the last week now I need to find him and ask him some question. Today we have a meeting in Stark tower we were talking about Loki that was in a jail in the helicarter. Then the man that I wanted to see came " Mr. Stark , this is urgent, Pepper said that there's..."

Tony P.O.V.
( I will make it short )
I learned many thing about Percy like his best friend are kind of the CEO of big companies like Primordial industries that now is better than mine, or Gabriel industries and not to talk about Audrey he is one of the friend of the ice Queen (nickname that the media gives her ,he doesn't know she's the goddess of ice ) and a agent of Shield, agent Hill miss right hand of Director Fury, my assistant know Powerful people so why does he work for me ?? Well I did found other secret from Percy I learned that he is gay and I'm fine with it, and every day he eats with someone that he like at the lunch break , but this week he seemed hurt, I couldn't help him because I was in mission with the Avengers we found that the enemy was Thor brother and they were gods two FUCKING GODS .... we encountered Thor while we were taking Loki to the HQ damn I was lucky that my armor was against thunder if not I could have be carbonated there!!!! Like this the Avengers team was completed.

L.O.V.E. (Percy Jackson x Steve Roger)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now