How you met

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You were the new student at Shiko Academy and what some people don't know is that you're half-human and half-Devil and you intended to keep that a secret from the exorcists since they were hunting you down for quite some time.

Once you got to the school, you smiled to yourself and you were excited to start your first day. However, once you got your timetable you were having a bit of trouble looking for your next class. Just then you bumped into someone making you stumble a little. Someone wrapped their arm around your waist before you fell backwards.

You looked up and there was a boy with sandy hair, Aquamarine eyes and palely like skin. You blushed at his handsome features and he then said,"Are you all right?" You stood up properly and said,"Yeah, thank you and sorry for bumping into you." The sandy haired boy looked at you up and down and said,"I don't think I've seen you around here before? are you new?" You nodded your head and said,"Yeah, I'm (F/n) (L/n), and you are?"

He smiled and said,"I'm Rem Kaginuki, the student council's president." You smiled and said,"It's nice to meet you, Rem." Rem shook hands with you and he then said,"You seem a bit lost." You laughed nervously and said,"Unfortunately, yes, I have no idea where my class is." Rem smiled and said,"Well, allow me to show you around so you can get familiar with everything." You smiled and said,"OK, thank you."

As Rem showed you around the school, he mumbled,"She's interesting.


You were a beautiful girl with (H/l) (H/c), (E/c) eyes and (Skin/c) soft skin. You were walking through the school hallways with some of your admirers staring at you with love hearts in their eyes and you didn't mind it at all since you were a succubus (A/n a succubus is like an incubus but different.)

As the boys were following you, you saw the three of the most popular boys in school who are the student council members. You had your eye on the light brown haired one who was carrying a rose in his hand. He looked at one of the girls and said,"Hello my sweet butterflies, how are you?" You smirked to yourself and you knew that you had to make him yours. Just then, the light brown haired boy saw you and you smirked at him as you had your hands on your hips.

You raised your hand you beckoned the light brown haired boy to come over and he smirked at you. He walked over to you twirling with the rose in his hand. The boys that were following you were burning with jealousy in they watched the light brown haired boys walk around you checking you out. He smirked and said,"Well, hello there butterfly, I don't think I've seen you around here before." You giggled and said,"That's because I am always surrounded by boys or should I say..."

You placed your fingers under the light brown haired boy's chin and said,"Handsome and hot looking boys such as yourself." He smirked and said,"Really?" You chuckled flirtatiously and said,"Of course..." Your (E/c) eyes turned purple because you tried to hypnotise the light haired boy. Once you thought you had him under your spell you smirked and said,"Now tell me, who are you?" The light haired boy said,"I'm Urie Sogami, Enchante."

You blinked a few times because all of a sudden, Urie wasn't hypnotised at all by your spell. Urie noticed your shocked expression and said,"What's the matter? you seem a little shocked sweet butterfly." You shook your head and said,"Nothing at all, I'll see you around, Urie." You walked away from him with a huff on your face and you also wondered why he wasn't hypnotised by your spell just now.

Urie stood there with a smirk on his face and he said,"She's like me in some ways."


You were a she-devil around the school. Some of the students were frightened of your fighting skills and you were known for having a short temper. You were walking outside in the school gardens and you had a massive frown on your face. You growled under breath and said,"I hate those annoying teachers, they're always telling me what to do and what not to do, who they do they think they are my annoying mother?!" You kicked a can in frustration and then it landed on someone's head.

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