Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       Destiny and I hadn't been able to spend that much time together recently. With both of us working at the diner, we barely had any time to spend.

       Beside from the diner, Destiny was actually needed in play rehearsals now but this time, she apparently was going to act as the understudy for everyone, meaning she had to learn all the lines, all the songs, and all the blocking before the performance in March. That was about three months away and even when it seemed like enough time, it really wasn't with her homework and her job.

       We were supposed to hang out today after she was done school because I was working up until three, and she didn't have play rehearsals today, but then she texted me to tell me that she had to help with the set building because they were falling far behind.

       She didn't even have a choice. She said everyone was scheduled to help out and today just so happened to be her turn. And she found that out today after school right when she was about to leave.

       I wasn't an idiot. Since Courtney was helping with my mom for the play and with that stupid deal going on with The Gold Mine and the Goodmans' hotels, Mom was going to listen to everything Courtney said. It was quite obvious that with Destiny now being the understudy for all roles and suddenly having to help out with set building, she would have less time to spend with me.

       Well, two could play that game.

       After I was done my shift at the diner, I made two cups of hot chocolate, pouring them in paper cups and sticking a lid on top before placing them in a cup tray. After putting on my jacket, I took the tray and left the diner before heading to the school.

       With the light snowfall, I wanted to walk fast to avoid my hands getting freezing cold, but walking too fast would probably only make me slip on the ground. The struggles.

       When I got to the school, I shook the snow out of my hair before walking in and heading over to the auditorium. Before I got there, the principal of the school, John Griffith , stopped me. While he was a nice man and everyone loved him as a principal, we didn't really get along.

       But only because I was always late to school and school-related events and even my own graduation. We had so many meetings with my parents, but I never listened.

       At least it wasn't like he hated me. He was just annoyed with me. He probably wasn't anymore now that I wasn't a student. In fact, he was probably happy I was no longer a student. Less meetings for him to handle.

       "What are you doing in here?" John asked.

       "Oh, my girlfriend is helping out with sets for the play, so I thought I'd drop off some hot chocolate for her," I said. And help out too, but he didn't have to know that.

       "I saw Courtney leave the school not too long ago," John said.

       "No, Courtney isn't my girlfriend anymore," I said. "We broke up, like, two months ago."

       "Really?" John asked. "Weren't you dating many years?"

       "Six, and that doesn't really mean anything," I said. In fact, I was getting tired of people always bringing up how long Courtney and I dated for. It didn't change the fact how possessive and controlling she was and it definitely did not change the fact that she cheated on me. "Anyway, I thought I'd bring Destiny, my girlfriend, some hot chocolate."

       "Destiny Simms?" John asked and I nodded. "Ah, I can see that. I lost count on how many meetings I've had with her grandfather about her being late. She doesn't seem to listen. Alright, I won't stop you any longer. Go on ahead."

       I thanked him before walking into the auditorium, only to see that the only person working on the sets was Destiny. She must have heard the door open and close because she looked over. "Hey," she said. "What are you doing here?"

       I walked over to the stage, setting the cup holder on the stage before taking off my jacket. "I brought you some hot chocolate," I said. "And I thought I might as well help out. I have in the past with different sets, so I have a pretty good idea what to do. How come you're the only one here?"

       Destiny shrugged. "I, apparently, was the only one scheduled to help. I was upset at first, but I just want to get this done."

       "What are you doing, exactly?" I asked.

       "I have no idea, to be honest," she said. "I was supposed to be making this look like a pair of legs by stuffing newspaper into the stockings, but...." She held up one of them. "It's not working."

       I chuckled and pulled myself onto the stage before sitting down beside her. I handed her one of the cups of hot chocolate. She thanked me as I started taking the newspapers out of one to see if I could fix it. I tried, but it was harder than it looked like it would be.

       I dropped the stocking and grabbed my own cup of hot chocolate. "I give up already," I said. 

       Destiny sighed. "I just wished I wasn't the only one working on the sets. It's boring and makes me feel lonely."

        "Yeah, Courtney and my mom probably made you only so we could spend less time together," I said. "It would explain you being the understudy for everyone now. Whatever Courtney says, my mom does. It's annoying."

       "I could see that," Destiny said. "Is that deal still going on?"

       "I think so," I said. "Want to get out of here?"

       "I do, but it would probably be best for me not to leave," Destiny said. "I don't want them getting mad at me."

       "It's their fault," I said. "They're putting way too much pressure on you just because of Courtney. It's not fair."

       Destiny shrugged. "I can't do anything about that. I really want to be in this play and if being the understudy for everyone and working on sets is what it takes, then I have no choice."

       "Isn't Ariella going to fake getting laryngitis?" I asked and Destiny nodded. "Then what's the point of learning all the other roles?"

       "Because if I don't, they'll drop me completely," Destiny said. "Meaning I won't be Dorothy at all."

       "Okay, but I don't think they'll drop you if you leave right now," I said. "My mom always has a set crew and if they're not working today, neither should you."

       Destiny seemed to be weighing her options.

       "How about after we make these legs, then you leave with me?" I asked. "We could head back to my place and watch horrible movies. Or nap."


       "Come on, my mom can't get mad at you for leaving when no one else is here."

       "Alright, fine," Destiny said. "Let's get to work then."


I'm so annoyed right now. There's something going outside and it sounds like a lawn mower and it has been going on for more than two hours and I can't concentrate and I probably won't be able to fall asleep with it. -.-

(still cant wait for drama lol)(im trying to go through time skips so we get to the main drama)(its novemeber in this book now and drama doesn't start until february)(lets go time skips)

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