Mr. Summerie ch.1 [an arranged marriage story]

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Mr. Summerie [an arranged marriage story]

"I can't believe it's the beginning of summer! It's way too hot," my sister, Brittany, complained. "Then go inside and stop annoying us," Abbie said. "Yeah, seriously," I added.

Brittany glared at us, but went inside anyway. Me and Abbie we laying out trying not to embarrass ourselves this year by being as white as a sheet of paper. Abbie Alexis has been my best friend since second grade.

Brittany is my sister. She's probably the most preppy of anyone I know. She wears high heels, tiny bikinis that are barely there, dresses and skirts. Me, I just like to wear skinny jeans and band t-shirts. And of course, either my checkered chuck's or converse. And Abbie, she's in between.

She looked at me and got an idea. She's a real prankster, so I know this had to be good. She got up and tip toed to Brittany's window. Her blinds were partly open, so we could still see in.

I got beside Abbie and looked in. Abbie wasn't in there. So I followed Abbie into the house. She went straight to the bathroom and picked up Brittany's blow dryer and some baby powder.

After she was all done, we waited in there until Brittany came in. I had hidden a camera, so we could get it all on video. We handed it to her and left.

We heard the blow dryer turn on and Brittany scream. She ran out, with her face covered with white powder. We started laughing hysterically. "Don't be laughing. I was trying to be nice to you two. Especially because of what is going to happen tonight," she said with a smirk on her face.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked. "Nothing," She said and walked away. "What do you think she means?" I asked Abbie. "I have no idea. I guess we'll just have to find out," she said. "No, Naomi is going to have to find out. She can tell you after. Oh and by the way, you need to leave. I just got off the phone with our parents," Brittany said, looking at me.

"Okay, well I'll talk to you later," Abbie said and left. I went up to my room, Brittany trailing behind me. "What do you want?" I asked her. "They told me to help you get all gussied up," she replied. I rolled my eyes.

"They want you to wear something nice-" she started, but I said, "Yeah, yeah. I'll be ready. Just call me down when I absolutely have to be down there," and slammed the door in her face.

I jumped in the shower. I got out about an hour later. What? I like to take nice, long showers. I wrapped the towel around me and cleaned the mirror off. "HURRY UP!" Brittany yelled at through the door.

I ignored her and went straight to my closet. Hmmm...what should I wear? I grabbed my favorite holey skinny jeans and a nevershoutnever t-shirt. Then I grabbed my chuck's.

After I got dressed, I walked to my black vanity and sat down. I blew dry my hair and straightened it. My hair is the kind that is kind of wavy and straightening is very easy.

My sister was the pretty one of the family. Blonde hair and blue eyes; the perfect package. I just have plain Black hair and green eyes. But, unlike her, I have the awesome hair cut out of all of us. Nobody else thinks so, but I do.

I knew I needed to hurry up, so I put my eyeliner and mascara on. No need for any foundation. I heard them calling me, so I sighed and walked out of my room.

When I was at the bottom of the stairs, I saw a hot guy and two older people standing with my parents. The young, hot guy had black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing checkered chuck's, skinny jeans, and an mcr t-shirt. He even had snake bites like me!

He was staring at me. I looked away, at my parents. "Why are they here?" I asked. "Honey, sit down. That's why we need to talk to you," my Mom answered.

I gave them a confused look, but sat down anyway. They all followed suit. "This is Raven, and his parents," She said, pointing at the younger guy. I nodded. "And?" I asked. I have no idea where this is going.

"And, you're going to marry him," She replied. "WHAT? I'M ONLY SIXTEEN!" I yelled at them, out raged. I didn't let them answer, though. I stormed out, glaring at everyone in sight.

My Mom followed me into my room. I sat down on my bed and she said, "Naomi Jean, you do NOT walk away from a situation. The only one you can is if it involves a fight." I told her to get out. She did.

I grabbed my cell phone and called Abbie. "You'll never believe what happened," I said.

Raven's Point Of View

They had just told me yesterday that I would be marrying a girl named Naomi. Of course, I freaked out. But, I don't really care, because I'm seventeen so I can get a divorce when I turn eighteen.

We were standing in her parent's house, waiting for her. She walked down the stairs, and my eyes wanted to pop out of their eye sockets. She had the best hair, heck, best EVERYTHING. She was just gorgeous.

But, like me, she freaked.....

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