Chapter 2

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I don't know why but I can't help but think that he's the perfect one for me. I mean we haven't even started dating yet and I mean he doesn't even like me, but you know a girl can dream right?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so we were in sports med and I swear he was non stop flirting. I mean I couldn't help but do it back but still!!!! JASON FREAKIN' MCCANN COULD POSSIBLY LIKE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!? what!!!!!!!!!! no... calm down [your name] its not possible.


so I've decided to tell her, well at least try to..... "hey [your name] can we talk?" I asked trying to think of how I'm going to bring it up. "yeah of course!" she said with her beautiful smile. "okay well I have to tell you something that I've been hiding from you since freshman year" I said turning bright red. "yeah anything" she said smiling. "okay well... here I go. [your name] I think I'm in love with you.  I've been in love with you since freshman year and honestly I cant hold it in anymore. I love you so much its in bare able, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and when we talk I get butter flies. [your name] I cant ever stop thinking about you and I just" I said fiddling with my fingers" [your name] I'm in love with you and I don't know how to tell you" I had to poor my feelings out to her I couldn't hold them in and I didn't notice that by the time I was done she was standing there in tears with her makeup everywhere. "hey beautiful please don't cry!" I said attempting to hug her but she just stood there. "Jason? that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me... my parents don't even sty stuff like that to me.... and Jason?" she said still crying. "I.... I..... I think I love you too." she said looking into my eyes as we leaned in closer.' I'm going to kiss her.' I thought but, that's when I woke up to my alarm going off. "god damn it stupid dreams." I sighed and got up to get ready thank god I get to see her today.


"damn you really cant stop can you?" my best friend Brendon said. he's been my best friend since the 3rd grade and he knows literally everything about me. "what? cant stop what?" I didn't notice that I was staring again. ur eyes met and stayed staring at each other for a few minutes and then he got up and nodded me over to where he was walking. "hey ill uh... ill be back" I said to Brendon who was stuffing his face "yeah, yeah what ever." he said with a mouth full. I followed him to the hall and walked outside. "so uh what's " I was trying to say but before I could finish he pressed me against the wall and kissed me. OH MY GOD IS  THIS HAPPENING? HOLY FUCKING JESUS OMG!!!! I didn't pull back because I couldn't like I just wanted this moment to last forever but he pulled back and looked at me embarrassed. "I... I'm sorry I had to." he said Turing bright red and scratching the back of his head." I need to tell you something I've been hiding since freshmen year" omg is he going to say what I think he is? "okay then tell me, you can trust me" I said  "okay well... here I go. [your name] I think I'm in love with you.  I've been in love with you since freshman year and honestly I cant hold it in anymore. I love you so much its in bare able, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and when we talk I get butter flies. [your name] I cant ever stop thinking about you and I just" he said fiddling with his hair " [your name] I'm in love with you and I don't know how to tell you"  he said looking down at his feet with his hand behind his head. "Jason?" I asked. "y..yeah?' he said looking at me ."I... I've liked you since freshmen as well." I said getting bright red. god I can feel it. I looked at his beautiful blue eyes, "Jason? I love you too".  and that's the last thing I remember telling him before everything went all black.

A/N: sorry it took so long to update and please don't hate me for this ending

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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