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 Dedicated to cmuldrewjb

Luke's POV


I was tired of the same shit.

Wake up,

Get yelled at,

Ra- um id rather not say that,

Go to work,

Go home get yelled at get raped and then go to bed and restart the next day.

I've been sexually, verbally , and physically Abused since I was 6, I never understood why their doing this to me, but I brush it off and just go, I've cut myself so many time I'm surprised I'm not dead.

I was like I said so sick of it, I remember seeing my dad setting his gun beside the coffee table, So I walked out of my bedroom, and went to the coffee table to grab the gun, I then heard my parent's coming down the hall way, and then shot, my dad then my mom, I then dropped the gun, I already called the police, they said next time they touch me do whatever I needed to do,few minutes later the cops showed up and asked me what happened, since this isn't the first time I've called them they trusted me to let me go after I told them the story.

I then walked out, and headed do band practice. 

I remembered my cuts have been saw, so I called Micheal and then told him I was going to be late which is rare. he said " Okay bye" we hung up.

I knew how to cover my scars with Tattoos... 

A/N short but tryin to keep up with everything! I really enjoy making books and this one is already hitting favorites!!!!Please  dmme any ideas for any books

Secerets//L.H.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora