ELLIOT {late night subway}

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You smoothed down your skirt and blouse as you glanced at your watch quickly.

Jesus, it was past midnight already? How long had you stayed cooped up in your office?

You were riding the subway home in an almost empty car. The only other inhabitant was a rather gloomy figure hunched over with his hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets.

You looked away quickly before he could notice your tired stare but your attention was quickly brought to some rowdy men who were clearly inebriated getting on when the car came to a halt.

Once again you looked away from the men as to not draw attention yourself, but your efforts were fruitless.

"Wh-hat are you looking at?" One of them slurred aggressively.

You looked up to apologize but to your surprise the men flocked around the man dressed in black.

You watched on as one plucked the hood off of his head subsequently letting you finally get a good look at the gloomy man. You had to admit, even with his demure demeanour and exhausted eyes he had this outspoken beauty to him.

"Yeah... something funny b-bug eyes?" He spoke causing the other men to burst out laughing as the victim stayed silent.

You noticed one of the men as an employee where you worked. He grabbed the mans face and hiccuped before spitting on him smugly. "You ignoring me now pretty boy?"

You stood up.

"That is enough!"

The men stopped and turned to you.

"Oh and what are you going to do about it little lady?" One said sauntering over to you.

Before he could get to you, your co-worker grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

"Fuck off Andy, That's my boss." Your coworker whispered harshly.

"Correct, and if you intend to keep your job, I suggest you get off at the next stop and we never have a run-in like this again." You spoke confidently, and as if someone was watching you up there, the automatic voice told the passengers to stand clear of the opening doors.

The men rushed out the doors quicker than a group of gazelles getting chased by a lion.

You moved slowly to the lightly shaking man and sat down as a few new passengers filtered in.

"Are you alright, sir?" You asked softly, rummaging through your purse.

You pulled out a tissue and looked to him, a bit shocked to find that his wide eyes were already on you.

"May I?" You asked gesturing to the wet spot on his face.

He touched his cheek but made a disgusted face and recoiled it quickly before he unconsciously scooted a little closer.

"Close your eyes." You offered as you gently guided his chin up so his face was level with yours. You softly wiped away the saliva and balled up the tissue.

"There, good as new!" You cheered in a hushed voice. He looked to you, causing you to sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I'm so sorry on behalf of my workplace and myself that you got treated like this, we certainly don't stand for it and I'll sure as hell file a report tomorrow."

Your hand dropped as he spoke for the first time since you got on. "Where do you work?"

You smiled as you began to speak animatedly, you loved your job. "I'm editor-in-chief at innovation digest!"

"I used to read that magazine all the time when I was younger." He spoke with a soft smile.

"You must've been a smart kid, most adults don't even understand a lot of the articles we publish." You said warmly.

The electronic voice announced that your stop was coming up. You hadn't even noticed that the train had stopped several times since you sat down.

"That's my stop. When do you get off?" You asked curiously as you stood up.

He looked to you sheepishly as he brushed his hand through his hair quickly. "2 stops ago."

You grinned and chuckled. "Well if you want I have some work to finish up, you up for some coffee?"

It was a lie, all your work was completed, but he stood up quickly.

"I'd like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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