9- Cease and Desist

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes. Seriously? He sent me a bouquet of useless plants just to tell me that he wants to drone on about his insipid problems after school?! I should just bring these roses and whack him over the head with them!

Darn, no thorns.

"I'd put those in water for you, but I don't have a vase," Mr. Melcher chuckled.

I tossed them onto his desk. "Let 'em die."

"Sheesh," He said. "All right, get back to problems twenty through twenty six." He then lifted his old phone to his ear. "Yeah, Peg, I'm here. Sorry, teenage drama. So, what did he say?"

I rolled my eyes at my stupid teacher, and took a seat at my desk. What does Ray even need? I swear, if he asks for a loan...

I decided to whip out my phone and text him. Couldn't hurt, right?

Y did u send me those flowers u little weirdo

I pretended to do my classwork while I waited for a response. In the middle of my pretend classworking-slash-mental lecture that I was going nowhere in life since I couldn't find the measure of angle A, someone tapped my shoulder.

I peered over my shoulder. "Yes?"

Lyle made eye contact with me, then looked down. I followed his gaze, and saw a HUGE stack of dollar bills in his hand.

"What?" I whispered. I didn't know Lyle was an exotic dancer! Ha, I made myself laugh. But seriously, what's with all the lettuce?

"CD sales are through the roof," he told me.

I nearly spit out my teeth, not because I was surprised, but because this was becoming old news. Even when I played SOCCER no one liked me this much. Sure, I had an entourage of popular girls who liked me because guys like me, and a whole lineup of guys who liked me because I'm a hot blonde, but I've never had people like me for... well... my message. It's always been "Stephanie's hot" or "Stephanie's cool", but never, "Stephanie inspired me".

I actually inspired people! I'm like a movie star!

"We ran out of copies, and they nearly beat the walls in. Split it amongst yourselves. Congrats." Lyle said.

This just... if I'm gonna wake up from this dream, it'd be a little awkward to wake up now. I'm in too deep. This is real. Thi-

"Ms. Cane!" The teacher shouted, and I cringed as my annoying text alert went off.

"Sorry!" I squeaked. Oh gosh, why does that happen to me so often?!

"Thanks, Lyle. You're the best," I whispered, and took the money. He nodded at me, then resumed doing actual classwork. How is that kid so smart?

You have one new message!

Gee, really?!

I thought it was chivalric, Cane. I also thought you'd like to meet in person, but this works as well. You're wasting your time with this band. Best case scenario: you make a few hundred bucks off DVD sales. Then what? Your soccer career is gonna take you places, Steph. You need to come back.

I rolled my eyes. Where is soccer even gonna take me?! What college looks at an application and says, "Wow, she played soccer?! That's it! We've gotta have her!"

I replied with:

soccer is a game. lemonade mouth is a revolution. ill go more places with a revolution than a game.

I smirked. I thought the conversation was done with, and I could resume hating myself because I couldn't keep my SOH CAH TOA straight, but my phone made that STUPID noise again.

The Revolution (Lemonade Mouth)Where stories live. Discover now