Chapter 8

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David stood there as Billie kissed him. Billie needed to know if it meant something. He felt that David had lied earlier when asked about their previous kiss. Truth be told David had in fact lied. He just hadn't come to terms with his sexuality quite yet and he didn't want to know if Billie didn't feel the same. Avoiding the chance all together seemed like a better idea in his mind.

And now as they stood toe to toe David realized he did feel something for Billie. Those feelings were pushed away as he heard an "Ew" from someone passing them on the sidewalk. It seemed that expressing what he feels for Billie would bring on comments such as those. Maybe even worse. And for David that was terrifying. So he pulled away and took a few steps back. "I have to go."

Those words hit Billie like a ton of bricks and stuck with him as he watched David walk away. He wanted so badly to run after him, but he no longer had the strength. His throat felt like it was gonna close and he could feel himself begin to tear up.

David regretted his decision to leave Billie standing there. He was feeling so many emotions at once that he didn't know what else to do. He didn't think Billie could ever forgive him and he wouldn't blame him for that either.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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