Chapter 1

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(David's POV)

First day of sophomore year at my new school and I get detention. What a great way to start off the year. The day had been going fine until the end of my second to last class. In all fairness I did nothing wrong. I was just trying to find my class, and I still hadn't found it by the time the bell rang.

So then some teacher yells at me to get to class. All I said was "Ma'am I would love to get to biology as much as the next guy, but I can't seem to find it." So she gives me detention for being "disrespectful" and then has some bloke who had been watching take me to my class. Apparently he was headed that way too. I followed closely behind him, hoping he wouldn't try and start a conversation. This guy definitely didn't look like someone I'd be friends with. He was a bit shorter than me, but he looked about my age. His hair was black and stopped just a bit below his ears. From what I could tell, it looked as though it hadn't been washed in a couple of days. He wore a black sweatshirt that seemed just one size too big. His jeans were black and ripped at the knees, a studded belt holding them up. The eyeliner he wore made his green eyes seem brighter.

Now I don't normally judge people on their appearance, but this guy looked like a total stoner. Though I guess that's better than what he must think of me. We went around a corner and stopped at the first door. He nodded his head towards the door telling me to go in. As soon as I turned around he headed down the hall. I said thanks, not sure if he heard me. When I opened the door I heard "Don't mention it." from down the hall. I guess he did hear me.

When class ended I had to call my parents from the office and tell them about detention. My mum wasn't very happy, but she said she'd pick me up when it's over. As I walked to the detention room I thought "Who gets detention on the first day?".

I guess I spoke too soon because when I opened the door, the class was nearly full. I looked around the room and noticed the bloke from earlier sitting at the back of the class. There was an empty seat right behind him and I decided to take it. As soon as I sat down I pulled out my notebook. I've got nothing else to do so I might as well continue writing my story.

Right as I began writing the guy with green eyes turned around. I really wish I knew his name. "Hey aren't you the dude I walked to class?" He asked.

I nodded and casually tried to cover up my writing with my arms. He didn't seem to notice, he just held out his hand. "Billie Joe." I hesitantly shook his hand. "I'm ,uh David"

He took a long look around the room then turned back to me. "So what are you writing?" He asked. My face turned red as I closed my notebook. "It's uh, it's nothing" Before he could say anything else the teacher yelled for everyone to be quiet. Billie winked at me before turning back around. I sat there, thinking about why someone like him would talk to someone like me. Just to be nice I guess. I was also wondering what he did to get in here. I might ask him later if I get the chance. After a minute or two had gone by I got out my notebook and began to write again.

When detention was finally over I gathered my things and waited outside for my mum. Billie walked out and stood next to me. "So are you new, because I've never seen you?" he asked.

"I moved here from Scotland a few weeks ago." I wonder why he's interested. "Damn that's pretty cool. Nice accent by the way." He smiled.

"Uh thanks." We stood there for a while in a bit of an awkward silence. I wasn't exactly sure what to say to him. He definitely seems a little different than how I imagined. My mum pulled up a second later and I told Billie that I had to go.

"I'll look for you tomorrow, alright?" That cought me a little by surprise, but I nodded nonetheless. When I got in the car my mum asked if I had made a new friend. "I think I might have." I said as I looked back out the window at Billie. I guess it's true what they say, you can't judge a book by its cover.

I wouldn't say I had a great day, but it did end on a good note. I really do want to know more about Billie. Maybe that'll happen tomorrow. Hopefully he'll keep his word. Though if not that's okay.

Why would someone like him want to be friends with me anyway? I'm nobody special. I've never been considered "popular" or "cool", and I definitely never had many friends.

Who knows, that might all change. I could totally start over since no one knows me anyway. That's my goal for this year. This year will be my best. Hopefully.

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