what you do on "valentines day"

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Shu: For valentines day you and Shu slept for the whole day😴😍....... Unless one of you had to use the bathroom.

Reiji: For valentines day you and reiji had breakfast and tea in bed and you (failed) made him pancakes in bed...( Reiji made poor Ayato and Laito clean the kitchen mess you made😓)

Laito: Let's just say AFTER valentines day you still couldn't walk for a good week or two😏😆

Ayato: For valentines day you made Ayato Takoyaki thinking y'all can enjoy together but unfortunately you watched him eat the whole thing by himself....and (Ayato slept on the couch that night)

Kanato: For valentines day you And Kanato ate so much candy and sweets and had a good day. (The aftermath was y'all both having stomach aches for eating to much. But at least you got sick together right???)

Subaru: Unfortunately for you you were on your period and we all now Subaru didn't want to be around.... But you woke up to a beautiful rose and a box of chocolates at your bedside and a note that said "Happy Valentines day sorry can't be with you but I'll take you out to eat and sing you a lovely song I made for you...... I MEAN NO I WONT I NEVER MADE A SONG FOR YOU..well I kinda did BUT YOU WONT HEAR IT! Uh happy valentines day or whatever.....
Ruki: For valentines day you and Ruki had some fun time (If you know what I mean😏) After Ruki read the book "Fifty Shades of Grey" You were VERY sore in the morning and you will NEVER forget Ruki's name.

Kou: For valentines day you and Kou were on tour hugging fans, being chased by fans, and receiving hate from fans...but you were together threw all of it💖)

Yuma: For valentines day you and Yuma picked veggies and then cut them into heart shapes and had a picnic with veggies and sugar cubes (weird combo Ik😝) Later that night you had a fun rough time in bed because Yuma took advice from his big brother Ruki😏

Azusa: For valentines day you and Azusa made cookies and cuddled up against the fireplace for the whole day (I'm sorry but Azusa is a baby in my eyes and I can't make him do nasty things BECAUSE HES JUST TOO INNOCENT😭)

Author's Note: Hi my lovelys valentines day is in the air and love is in the and so is pollen and rain and snow....but I'm getting off topic this is just a early gift for you fellow readers that don't have a valentine or have a valentine and still want to cheat on them with the Sakamaki's or the Mukami's. I hope u enjoy I love you bubye💖

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