What's Your Religion?

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Hey guys. Ever wanted to take part in the writing of an actual TSZ Issue? Well here is your chance!

For the next issue we will be taking a closer look at our religions and all the different cultures that we all come from and we decided to let you in on the fun!

How To Join?

Answer the sample questions below and tag a friend or friends from a different religion! And to make it even more fun you get to ask any of your own questions that can be directed to any of our admins.

Here we go

1: What is your religion?

2: What does your religion teach you?

3: What is one misconception about your religion that you would like to straighten out?

4: What is your view about the great creation. 'big bang or nah?'

5: Do you believe in an afterlife?

6: If you could perform miracles, what would you do?

Bonus Question (Just For Fun): What is Satan's last name?

Results on the most popular religion will be posted in the next Issue with some of your answers. Don't forget to tag a friend!

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