14: Of Love and Secrets

Start from the beginning

It could easily be done, maybe she was ripped in two, or maybe ripped from limb to limb, and burned somewhere close by, “You know I wouldn’t.”

“But they don’t know that, do they cousin?”

As far as he was concerned, the girl had never existed to begin with.

“Hey, do you have a Vibrator?” Andrea blew over her cup of hot cocoa, while Mara turned her nose up at her cup, or rather yet the statement.

The two girls sat nestled on a couch in the corner of a bustling Starbucks as the snow fell in sheets outside. Day had begun to fade and in its place a bleeding mixture of orange red and pink painted the horizon as the sun set. Mara rolled her eyes and scoffed, “I wish you would shut the fuck up.”


Had, she really said that?

Had words so rude and coarse just left her mouth.

From the shocked look on Andrea’s face they had come out of her mouth. Mara poised her lips, bit the inside of her cheek and snaked her eyes back and forth guiltily as Andrea’s face calmed and eyed her steadily.

So much for moving on.

The two girls were just like two bitter old spinster women snapping at eachother for no reason at all. It was no wonder that the both of them were miserable sitting there in the coffee shopped, they probably deserved to be.

“And you need a long ride on a steel dick.”


Andrea sat back with crossed arms and a look of satisfaction as Mara’s lips trembled and her eyes watered from the insult. That was the thing as well, lately she’d been more sensitive then normal, she wanted hugs and kisses and the only guy who seemed to be offering them was Alec.

She politely declined at every account.

Mara had to be honest and say that she missed Blaise.

She missed him.

Just like Andrea’s salty ass missed Rafe.

“We need to stop this madness.” Mara sipped a bit of her hot cocoa and sighed to herself.

Andrea shrugged, “Yeah, maybe so. I was serious about that vibrator.”

A string of manic laughter left Mara’s lips as she pictured what she would do with a vibrator where her Auntie checked each and every room for a difference in arrangement. There would be no way she could hide something as explicitly sexual as that, “I’m a virgin Andrea. Think about it.”

“Plenty of virigns use vibrators. How do you think they’re still virgins?”

“Hell I don’t know, I think I’d rather have the real thing then be pissed off about something vibrating in my va—“


Andrea sputtered out a bit of the warm hot cocoa in her mouth and ashamedly wiped away at her turtleneck. Mara mean while cocked an eyebrow at the familiar intruder, “Rafe, we were just talking about you.”

Rafe settled into the couch just across from the girls and folded his hands over each other as he leaned forward and watched Andrea, “Oh really?” his eyes stayed focused on Andrea though he spoke to Mara, “And what was said exactly?”

Oh, shit.

Andrea hastily wiped at her sweater, though the dribble of diluted milk and chocolate were long gone, but she focused anyway on her thin black turtleneck and searched for invisible stains. Mara caught on quickly, maybe because it looked so odd that the both of them were looking at Andrea as she was wiping at non existent spills. As cute as it was watching her cousin stare at Andrea lovingly Mara felt the need to vomit, so she did what she had to do.

Mara:A Charmed AffairWhere stories live. Discover now