Often times, children have a different way of looking at the world. Certain smells bring forth colors, the world itself some sort of strange multitude of sound personified in ways unimaginable to adults. Like in the summer, when the world seemed to bathe itself in a pristine green. This same green happened to be Gilbert Bielschmidt's favorite color. The boy was young, around the age of 7. His red eyes were bright as his figure slipped from the window of his room, his fingers opening and closing slowly and catching the warm breeze, his bedsheets as a makeshift cape clad on his back. The grassy trees and wooded area that surrounded his home held a green to them and while yes, and perhaps that green was pristine, it didn't match THE green.
His green.
He had no idea where it was, but he was hell bent on finding it.
The albino giggled as his soft walk broke into a run, grinning as he headed into the woods. He inhaled the scents and the sounds, feeling an onslaught of yellow warmth mix with the shades surrounding him. Whenever he was present in his little woods typically odd memories came forth. Knights and castles, tales of sheer awesomeness.
Sometimes even faces and people.
To the young Prussian this didn't seem like much of anythings.
They were characters in his storybooks, the storybooks he enjoyed playing in.
Storybooks that hardly felt like stories.
He met a clearing and wheeled around, laughing and picking up a stick. He waved it around, jumping up to a higher patch of ground. This clearing his place. He always came here. It was his lost kingdom.
"I am the awesome KING!" He proclaimed to seemingly no one, hmphing loudly.
"Bow down to me subjects!" Gilbert stuck out his sword, poking out his tongue and giving a goofy grin.
"Does anyone dare cHALLENGE MY AWESOMENESS?"
No response, of course.
"Haha! I thought s---"
That was aside from the sudden force thrust behind the prussian, sending him flying onto his face.
"Blow off, jerknut!"
The voice behind him was scary, the sound and feeling alone bringing him into another storybook moment.
He whipped around quickly, handing groping for his 'sword' before he brought his gaze to the figure.
"Hey? What'd you think you're---"
He went to yell as his red eyes met bright green ones.
A bright pristine green.
His green.

".....you gonna tell me off or what? Or are ya scaaared." The owner of the voice did not seem impressed, staring down at the toddler with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. Gilbert felt dumb for a moment, the child trying to place the boy somewhere he'd seen him before. His eyes were a piercing green (emerald...? Forest...? He'd figure that out later.), hair oddly long for a boy as it was drawn up into a ponytail. He'd almost say it was a girl, but the hulk t-shirt and ripped up pants said otherwise. The girls in his class thought the Hulk was gross.
"Answer me ass!"
The voice finally broke his thoughts.
"Hmph. You're the one who stole my spot you jerk!" He stood, waving his stick. "This is my kingdom. And that's a bad word."
"Well...yeah but..no one can hear you! It's not like you'll get a time out out here."
He slowly nodded while studying the figure.
"Well-- I'm king so I can give you a time out."
"Kings can't give time outs. Only Mom's and Dad's."
"I thought you don't cuss."
"Well I lied!"
"Well I just pushed you off your rock, which makes ME king. Maybe I'll give you a time out for lying!"
"That's not faaaair." Gilbert huffed and dropped his stick, turning his back. "I don't like you. You're a meany. Who are you anyways?"
"Push off, why do YOU wanna know." The boy flicked hair from his eyes.
Gilbert narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms.
"Maybe I wanna be a knight in your stupid kingdom."
"I don't need Knights."
"Too bad I already was one," he poked out his tongue, unaware of his own words. In truth he just felt he'd been a knight. It felt correct.
The prussian stuck out a hand.
He felt the other boy's hand close around his, grinning as he suddenly stepped back and dragged down the figure.
"..tch, if you really w-AAAH-"
Red eyes were triumphant while green ones widened, their owner growling and tossing dirt at the albino. He returned it, of course, the two tousling before finally huffing and sitting on opposite sides of the clearing.
After a period of silence, one of the dirt covered figures spoke.
"....Liz." They huffed. "Liz Hedervary,"
Gilbert crinkled his nose. "Isn't that a girl's name? Do you have a wiener?"
"No.....don't wieners grow in?" The figure tilted their head.
"I dunno! I thought boys had wieners and girls had...I dunno something else." He huffed.
"Well screw that! I told you my name now tell me yours."
"Gilbert. Gilbert Bielschmidt."
The two locked eyes. Gil could've sworn he'd seen this in one of his storybooks, but he'd never seen a character become so real before. The figure across from him mirrored this in a way, studying him.
"Well, I can't say it's nice to meet you....Gil."


AN: AHHHH I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS. This is a reincarnation AU evidently but I'm hoping to go down a slightly different path with it >:D I am obsessed with this pairing and so far love writing them. Please comment and enjoy.

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