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N/A: This chapter was actually quite difficult to write and turned out a lot longer than I was expecting. It's a flashback chapter, giving more background on what happened and how Rose ended up pregnant in the first place. Possibly next chapter I will give more on the background on what happened in the aftermath and the years leading up to her meeting with the Ninth Doctor.

While this chapter itself is not explicit, I've bumped the rating up. This gives me a bit more freedom and I will sleep better knowing that I haven't underrated it (I'm joking, I probably won't sleep well anyway).

Also, here's a question for you lovely lot that I had when I began thinking about this chapter. How can Rose be 19 when she met the Doctor? Seems a daft question, right? Well, here's my logic (if you're interested, if not, just skip to the chapter): Rose met Nine in March 2005, right? She's 19 (apparently). Father's Day, however, states that she was born in 1987 as she was 6 months old when Pete died.


Furthermore, Pete died in the November, meaning that Rose would have been born late April/early May. I then read somewhere, a long time ago now I may add, that RTD had given the character his birth date (27th April). This means that she would have been 17 when she met the Doctor. SEVENTEEN! Either she lied to the Doctor or the writer's really didn't do too well in their maths O Levels.

I mean, have I added up wrong or something? It's been bugging me for ages now, but came back to the forefront of my mind when I tried to work out what year it would have been that Rose turned 16. I settled on just saying 'early 2000's' in the's either '03 or '01. I'll let you ponder that one for yourselves, dear friends.

Anyway, sorry for the rant - on with chapter 3 we go!


London – Early 2000s:

God she had rubbish friends. 'Meet by chippy @ 12' Keisha had texted her when they had been making plans for today. After having been driven mad at school by the never-ending stream of exam-prep talks and information, Rose had been looking forward to spending a Saturday afternoon with her friends.

But, of course, it seemed that somewhere along the way their plans had fallen through. Again.

Twenty minutes after arriving at, what was supposed to have been their rendezvous, Rose sent a text to a Keisha asking what was taking her so long. She sent the same message to Shareen as well and then proceeded to wait a further ten minutes. In that time, neither of them had bothered to reply to her message and there seemed to be sign of them either.

So she decided then and there that it wasn't worth it and started to make her way back home. She'd just have to spend the afternoon on her own until her mother came back from work.

There were other weekends, Rose thought to herself as she walked back towards the park area that eventually led to the road towards her estate. After all, study leave was coming up soon and then, after exams were over, there was a long summer to look forward to before she started her A Levels in September. They had plenty of time to meet up then.


As usual, the park was full of kids playing – all trying to get a go on the swings. There were also a couple of teenagers at the side lines, smoking and drinking cans of cheap coke, trying to look cool. It was the same group that were always hanging around this part of the estate. She was sure there were better places to hang out other than a children's park; but then again, there was nothing really around this part of the city. A park was about all they had. Once you grew out of that, there was nowhere else to go.

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