-"How do I look?"

-"You're looking perfect in this-he made me blush. He gave it to saleswoman we started looking for dress. They're having beautiful dresses but in not my style. He paid for it and we were to another shop. We were in Balmain, Alexander McQueen, Chanel, Guess and I didn't found special. The last stop was Carolina Herrera, always in her catwalks she has beautiful dresses. Jamie was so tired and I was close to cry because I couldn't find something normal and beautiful. I don't know what I could do without him

-"Hello, how can I help you?"- the tall brunette came to us with smile

-"Hello, we're looking for nice dress to this beautiful lady"-he whisper something her to ear

-"Hi, I'm Candy and I'll help you find your perfect gown.-she showed my way and Jamie sat down on the sofa. I tried on several dozen dresses but they do not lay on me as it should be. On hanger I saw beautiful white crème gown with belts studded with crystals.

-"Miss and this dress?"-I pointed at her

-"Oh, she's from the new collection and I'm not sure I'm having your size"

-"Please look for me, she's beautiful"

-"Okay, wait a minute"-sitting on the chair is for me like judgment, but she came back with smile and dress. Quick I try on and she looks perfect on me. I decided show Jamie. When I went out from there his eyes was with sparkle and smile.

-"May be?"- I turn around like princess

-"You're looking beautiful, but this cleavage..."


-"He can show more you could expect"

-"Baby, Dakota has the same and was everything alright"

-"Be careful okay?"

-"Okay, and thank you"- I kissed his cheek we approached the cash and paid for it. After the shopping we were tired so we came back to hotel. I put my bags on the floor and asleep in bed.

The sky was red and pink I love this collaboration with the palms. For tonight I decided wear black skirt with gold buttons on my up had cropped top with the flowers and on my feet were black high sandals. Jamie decided wear something casual ; white t-shirt and jeans

-"How do I look?"- I lean against the door frame. His eyes shot from up to down on my body and licked his lips.

-"Very... very... sexy"-his steps coming to me and his hands were on my waist he attracted to him

-"Hmm... you're hot in this t-shirt"-I whisper

-"Really? I think that this top could better fit on your body"-he lead his sweet kisses on my neck

-"Mmm... Next time I'll borrow from you"-I looked at watch and was really late

-"Darling it's late"-I said

-"Ughr... Did you have to split it?"

-"I'm sorry, but yes"-I grabbed denim jacket and bag. Jamie rented Audi R8 and I don't know why. He's really fast and fancy car and on radio was Adele. We meet at Rao's, he sat on the end of restaurant. He's wearing white jeans with black shirt

-"Welcome in L.A Baby"-he hugged me with smile

-"Thanks for welcomed, but you have to meet someone; Joe it's Jamie my boyfriend and Jamie meet Joe my friend"-they shook their hands but it was cold

-"Do you like Los Angeles?"-Joe asked Jamie

-"Why not? With my wonderful woman I could travel to centre of Europe"-he kissed me. This atmosphere chill out and I hoped they started like each other, but of course Jamie started with his sick jealous

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