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The residents of Serene Village could always figure out the time of day based on the direction and intensity of the sunlight.

It was early in the morning. Chikorita crawled out of bed and went into the next room, finding Nuzleaf at the table.

"Good morning to you!" he greeted. "Heading out so soon?"

"Yeah, Totodile and I are meeting our old classmates up by the big tree. I haven't talked to them in ages! I'll see you later today!"

"Take care, now."

She scurried out the door.


"Chikorita! Totodile! It's so good to see you!" Goomy cheerfully greeted as they approached the top of the hill.

Totodile waved. "Hi everyone! "It's good to be back!"

"Back so soon, huh?" Pancham said with a smirk. "How irritat-"

Shelmet nudged him.

"...Er, I mean, it's good to see you guys too. In all seriousness."

"Thanks for letting us know about your gathering," Chikorita said to Espurr.

"No problem. Forgive me for not going over and inviting you in person last night. I honestly wasn't feeling very social and didn't want to leave the house, so I didn't."

She smiled cheerfully.

"Oh, Espurr. Gotta love your bluntness," Deerling said as she walked up to the two heroes.

"So, this has sort of become our main hangout spot," she went on. "Every Saturday morning we all come up here and try to catch the sunrise."

"Except for when Pancham sleeps in," Shelmet blurted out.

"I don't see what the big deal is," he retorted. "I see you guys all week and we do this every weekend. So what if I wanna sleep in every now and then?"

"Don't worry about it, Pancham," Deerling said.

"I don't even get why it's such a struggle for him to wake up in the mornings," Shelmet continued. "I mean, it's not like his mom ever lets him stay up past 9..."

"Okay, shut up already!"

Pancham tackled him and they started bro wrestling.

"Um... are they okay?" Chikorita asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, they're fine." Deerling replied. "This is normal. They do this almost every time we see them."

"I find it somewhat entertaining," Espurr said.

"While they're having their fun," Goomy began, joining their circle, "how about we all sit down and catch up? I'd love to hear about your adventures overseas!"


"And that's why...? It was all just to get the Luminous Water...?"

"Yeah, and I sure do thank you for your help with that, fools."

*Toss* *turn*

"But I'm afraid you've done all you can for me, and now you ain't nothin' but loose ends. Especially Chikorita there."


"Once you're down there, in the pits of the Voidlands... you ain't never comin' back up. Not even you, Chikorita. Finally get it, don't you?"

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