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A/N: Like the summary says, this is the sequel to my story "Come Home." So... yeah, read that first if you want this one to make sense. :P

And like always, don't read this if you haven't played Super Mystery Dungeon unless you want major spoilers.

Prepare for fluff.


"More please!"

The tiny blue crocodile joyfully held his mug in the air.

"Just give me one minute to help this customer," Kangaskhan called back from the counter.

"Umm... Totodile?"

"Yessssss?" he repiled, sitting there all jumpy and jittery.

"Are you sure you need more hot chocolate right now? You seem to be experiencing quite the sugar rush..."

"Oh, come on, Chikorita! You gotta have some fun and let loose sometimes! Don't you think we've earned us a little sugar after all of our missions this month?"

"Yes, I think we've earned ourselves a little sugar," she teased.

"All right, I'm coming," Kangaskhan called over to them. She walked over with a fresh mug of hot chocolate. "How many mugs have you had tonight, child?"

"Ummmm, I dunno. 3? 4? Maybe 7?"

He continued bouncing around.

"My goodness! Chikorita, I sure hope you're keeping him in check..."

She laughed. "Oh, don't worry. He's usually not this bad. We're just celebrating a month's worth of successful missions."

"We're also excited to go home tomorrow!" Totodile added.

"Oh, well that's exciting! I'm sure you two could use a nice vacation."

Totodile hopped up and down. "Yeah!" It's getting chilly here in the Grass Continent, and, well... it'll basically be the same back in Serene Village, but the colder temperatures are making me miss my Pops and his warm home..."

"We're trying to be better with self-care," Chikorita said. "We exhausted ourselves a little too much back on the Mist Continent, so starting now we're going to try to go home at least once a month. I know my dad tends to worry when I'm away for a long time."

"Oh?" Kangaskhan looked a little confused. "I didn't realize you had a father in this world. I thought... you were a human before?"

"I was. He's not my real dad or anything. He sort of adopted me in a way. He takes care of me and looks out for me. Last time we were home, Totodile and I both promised our dads that we'd make an effort to visit more."

"Oh, I see. Well I think that's wonderful!" Kangaskhan smiled her warm, motherly smile. "I wish you two safe travels and a nice vacation. You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back!"


Several Pokemon were eating at the café, but Kangaskhan wasn't there.

"Hmmm. Weird..."

He turned to the M Unown who was also standing at the counter waiting.

"Hi there. Any idea where Kangaskhan might be?"

"Ermmmm... no, I don't. Sorry. And no, that wasn't a joke."

"Well, I reckon I'll just-"

"Oh, Mr. Nuzleaf! There you are!"

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