Natasha noticed that more agents seemed to be coming her way and as she shot at them, only half of them seemed to even notice the bullets piercing their skin. Suddenly the two closest to her were picked up and thrown through the trees. "The fuck?"

More of the agents were being blasted away and the red glow of magic was all too familiar to the redhead, who then tried to convince herself she was wrong or that she was seeing things.

Wanda leaped from the tree and landed hard on the ground as she shot a blast of magic strong enough to take all of the agents within seeing distance of her. She seemed to think she was done until a fireball narrowly missed her head and a blast of magic sent her flying. "Oh you want to play that game? Bring it." Wanda said, out of breath as she stood up from the ground and sent a blast at the angry blonde running at her. "Yeah, I can do that too."

Wanda stood in the small clearing with her hands on her hips as she scouted the area for anymore threats. "Wanda, do you see anybody, enemy or not?" Steve's voice came over the comm.

"I don't have night vision, who do you think I am?" Wanda replied, "But I can hear people talking so there's that." 

"I've got eyes on Tony, we should probably get out of here before we get, ya know, arrested." Sam said. "Ow, shit! Where the hell did you come from?"

"Language, Sam." Wanda said, mockingly.

"Wanda, I need you!" Steve shouted as he came barreling through the trees, screaming as three agents ran behind him, shooting a mix of ice and fire.

"You've got to be kidding." Wanda muttered in Sokovian as her eyes glowed red as she blasted them, barely missing Steve as he bolted around her.

"Nat, I know you're up there, get your fucking ass down here and help me!" Wanda shouted as she narrowly missed a fire ball aimed at her head. "Stop trying to kill me, it's getting old." She shouted at the three enhanced who seemed to be playing target practice with her and Steve's heads.

Natasha dropped from the tree, firing at the three agents who proved to be difficult to deal with. "Would you die already? You're wearing me out." Wanda sent one final blast, strong enough to blast the three of them off of there feet and flying through the trees.

"Please tell me we're done." Wanda said as she tried to catch her breath, "im dying."

In the midst of their break, Wanda felt hands wrap around her wrists. Wanda went into a state of panic at the family feel. She tried to swing her arms around, but failed. Wanda rolled her eyes as she attempted to mess with the person's mind, but she was met with a man laughing and the familiar sound of handcuffs closing around her wrists. Wanda rolled her eyes again, she could get out of stupid handcuffs. 

"I wouldn't even try it, witch, these are made just for you." Wanda kicked her foot back, aiming for his family jewels.

"What the hell are you doing? Don't touch him!" Klara shouted as she ran over, nearly tripping over her own feet. Her fist made contact with the Shield agent's face before she was pulled back and handcuffed. One of the agents had a pair of handcuffs similar to the ones currently on Wanda and locked them onto Steve's wrists as he fought.

"Klara, you really should've stayed out of this one." Steve said.

"Sorry, babe. I wasn't about to stand by and watch them take my man down."

"Nice job, Steve." Wanda said, mockingly. "And since when are you two dating? You haven't even been able to have any sort of contact in six months."

"We talked over a secret phone that I had, duh." Klara replied her nonchalantly.

Wanda now turned to Steve, giving him a very disapproving look, "I can't talk to my fiancée, but you can have phone dates with my best friend?"

Steve looked to Wanda, "What did I do?" Steve asked, ignoring the rest of what Wanda had said.

Wanda rolled her eyes and avoided looking at him, "This was your idea. I mean, clearly they didn't need our help. Right, babe?"

"Yeah, sure. We had everything under control." The redhead said as the three Avengers struggled in the handcuffs. None of them expected Clint to come running through the trees, limbs flailing as he ran from the Shield agents chasing after him.

"Hi, Nat!" He shouted, "Bye, Nat!"

Clint didn't make it far before an electric arrow lodged in his back, sending him tumbling to the ground, shouting curses as he grabbed the arrow and tossed it away from him. Wanda snorted as she laughed, "Not so fun when it's you, now is it?"

Clint groaned as he was handcuffed and pulled off of the ground, "You were trying to mind control me, I didn't have another option."

"What the- don't touch that!" Wanda shouted, trying to get out of the agent's grip as he slipped the ring off of her hand and slipped it into his pocket.

"You really are a pain in the ass." He said before knocking her over the head with the butt of the gun. He smirked as he watched Wanda's unconscious form fall to the ground.

"That was a bad idea." The man rolled his eyes at the redhead, "What are you going to to do about it?"

"This." Natasha shot a widow's bite at him just as more agents walked through the trees with Scott, Sam and Bucky.

"Don't even think about putting me in handcuffs."

Addicted To You (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now