Chapter One Hundred & Four: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But ...

Start from the beginning

And Bucky had smiled back at him, ducking his head and Steve had reached over and put his hand on the back of Bucky's neck and gently pulled him close, looked into his eyes. "We are going to make fantastic, fucking fathers," he had said, using a rare swear word. And then he had kissed Bucky and the food was forgotten.

Now he looks at Bucky again. "I know I don't have to keep them but I want to," he says and they are in danger of forgetting that they are running out of time as Bucky reaches out and pushes Steve's fringe out of his eyes.

"Don't get all mushy on me now huh? " he says, trying to quote Han Solo as if Steve were his Princess Leia.

"I knew I should never have introduced you to those films," Steve groans, but the phone ringing interrupts them and Steve picks his mobile up and grins at Bucky. "It's Sam," and Bucky nods and returns to packing whilst Steve talks to Sam.

"Anything wrong?" Bucky asks as Steve finishes the call and is frowning.

"No. Well, I don't think so...Sam says they got a call to say Magnus Sitwells fallen of the radar."

Bucky's stomach turns but he doesn't let Steve see the panic that threatens to engulf him at the mention of a possible problem.

Jasper Sitwell was a Hydra agent who had lost his life whilst in the custody of Steve, Sam and Nat. It had been Bucky as the Winter Soldier, that had actually caused Jasper's death. His older brother Magnus had also been with Hydra and although nothing could be proven against him, he was one of those targets being watched by Coulson's people. At Jasper's funeral Magnus had vowed revenge on those who caused his brother's death.

Steve doesn't know why but the call leaves him feeling unsettled. Jasper was little more than a Hydra office boy' whereas Magnus is ex-military, a nasty piece of work with a score to settle.


You have left the residential area and are walking down paved streets with small shops. You end up standing in a small plaza with a trickling water fountain next to you. The last thing you need to hear is running water. The sun is getting warmer and you feel sweaty and your hair is sticking to your face.

You look around. There are four possible exit routes out of the plaza and none of them are shown on Bucky's hand drawn map because it only covers the main road; as he assumed you would be driving.

You take your phone out and try again. You say a little 'yay!' to yourself when you see there is service now. You call phone Steve's mobile. No one answers and it goes to answerphone. You try Bucky's and get the same.

"If you two did less mucking around and more concentrating this wouldn't happen," you murmur, frustrated that you can't talk to them. You leave it a few minutes and then try Bucky's phone again and when the same happens you leave a message.

"Buck, your truck has broken down, again! It's on the street, I hope it gets bloody well towed. I'm on foot, but I don't know where I am. It would be really great if one of you could pick up your goddamn calls! And Bucky, for a soldier your map drawing skills stink! I'll try and find someone who can direct me so god only knows what time I'll be with you." You know you are angry but at the moment in the hot sun, standing with swollen ankles you don't care "Call me!" You disconnect the call but leave your phone on.

You look around again. There is a small cafe open with seats outside and sat at one the tables is a dark haired, pleasant looking young man. There are so few people around you don't really have a choice.

You walk over. When you are about four feet away from his table, he looks up from the magazine he is reading. Seeing you heading his way he takes of his sunglasses and strangely enough for a second you see an almost resigned look on his face, it makes you hesitate but then he replaces it with a smile. Such blue eyes and in a way he reminds you very much of a young James which makes you feel that he is trustworthy. Nat is always nagging you about being too trustworthy of people.

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