Chapter Eighty-Four: Freya

Start from the beginning

"My name is Keren. You are at a place called Stark Tower. Doctor Novak will be along in a moment. You're safe, and nobody will hurt you," and she smiles.

Your mouth is dry and you want to ask her the one thing that means the most to you. She leans forward and picks up a beaker with a straw in it and helps you drink. The water is cool, refreshing, and such a blessing. You try again, "Where is James? Where is the Soldier, is he all right? Is he safe?"

Her smile falters for a brief second but then she is nodding. "He's safe and well."

"Can I see him?" you ask.

"Later I'm sure, but for now you need to rest." You want to argue but your thoughts are sluggish and you believe her, your mind needs to believe her.

You just want to know a little more about her. "Who are you?" you ask, and she smiles.

"I'm here to help until you are a bit better. I'm a nurse."


"No, not Hydra. You're safe, I promise. You're with friends."

"Your accent..."

And she laughs lightly. "Can't fool you, can I? Kiwi. I'm from New Zealand. Just visiting over here really, and helping out a friend. Now, you need to sleep or the doctor will be telling me off."

You are already closing down again but before your eyes close you ask again. "He is all right isn't he?"

And she smiles, and nods: "Yes, he's fine. Now sleep."


When you awaken the next time, you are alone.

Although it is not exceptionally bright in your room now, the light still makes your eyes blink to try and clear themselves. At least you are able to sit up this time. You are no longer attached to a drip and you see a cup on the bedside unit. You reach over and very unsteadily pick it up, you have to use both hands to bring it close to you to drink.

Your body hurts. Everything hurts. You look at your fingers; two are splintered together, the rest show vague traces of bruising and scratches. You touch your face. You think it might be bruised as the skin feels tender. Then you look at your arms. On your lower arm the only mark you can see is where the drip was but as you bend your left arm it feels tight. The top is bandaged; just the area where the star is.

You gently pat your body and that hurts. You still have no clear idea of what happened, but you were obviously very seriously injured.

You look around the room. It doesn't look like any of the bases you have been on. It looks like a hospital, but then at the same time it also looks like someone's bedroom.

You push the sheets back and swing your feet around so you are sat on the edge of the bed. You stop as a bout of blackness threatens the edges of your vision.

"Hold on a minute," you murmur. You reach down and pull your gown up to look at your legs. They show a few signs of bruising and scratches but otherwise are clear. You then peer down the front of the gown and that is when you see the wounds and coverings.

In a moment of dizziness you feel a blade cutting into your stomach, plunging deep, the pain is horrendous and you feel nauseous so you lay down on your side. You are starting to sweat and the room has gotten very hot. You pull up your feet so they are on the bed. Without wanting to you start to cry, but that hurts too and as that pain joins the pain in your belly you see another flash of memory, the knife again but this time forcing your ribs apart. You see the person holding it.

It was the Soldier who did this to you. Your Soldier.

You hear a door open and footsteps muffled by carpet.

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