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Bella POV 

" We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. "The Priest said. (A/N I feel bad for him for saying all this. lol) 

"Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish. " The Priest said, holding his hands out with his plams out. " Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?"

Paul and I looked at eachother, "We do." 

"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other."The Priest said, turning to little Claire who was holding the rings. 

"I have my own vow. "Paul said, he bent down grabbed the ring and took my left hand in his. "Bella, from the moment I saw you walk up to me and get in my face, you challenged me. You challenged me to be stronger, to be a better version of myself. You challenged me to have faith, in God, in me, and in us. You challenged me to care, to be happy. Most of all, you challenged me to keep you alive."

Paul smiled while the pack  and I laughed. 

"I intend to keep pursuing these challenges. With your challenges, and your very existence, you have changed me forever. So I promise my heart, soul and body to you. I, Paul LaHote, take you Isabella Swan, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner, my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, and in joy and in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in everything, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Paul said, he slipped the ring on my finger as tears trickled down my face in happiness. 

I took a deep breathe, " Paul, from the moment I challenged you, I was changed. For the first time, I wanted someone's attention. Only your's. The first thing I noticed about you was the way your muscles flexed as you glared down at me. But it was the way your eyes changed from hostility to love, that in that moment I fell in love with you. I give you my body, heart, and soul. I have no use for them anyway without you. I, Isabella Marie Swan, take you Paul Lahote to be my beloved husband, to have and to hold you, to honor you , to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise you this, from my heart, for all of the days of our lives." I took the ring from Claire, slipping it onto his finger, smiling up at him through my tears.

" Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."The Priest said. 

Paul gently grabbed the back of my head, pulling me closer- if physically possible and kissed me. Our lips moving in sync, molding together like Chocolate Cream Cake Bites. (A/N I'm kinda hungry. lol) I drowned out the sound of clapping as we kissed. But I could still fully here Emmett hollering along with Embry and Quil.  As we separated we smiled at each other. We are one.  

(A/N It's official. Bella is officially Bella Lahote. Hoped you liked this chapter. ) 

Book 2: So The Wolf and The Lamb Are In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now