Fighting the gods

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The flight in the night was magical. High in de sky, unseen in the moonless night, looking down on a million little lights sharply cut by the Mediterranean Sea. It was like flying over a map, the streets and cities indicated by the streetlights.  The flying itself was even better. Free from the earth, carried on strong wings, the sensation of speed in the dark, there are no words good enough to describe it.

A short stop on Corsica prevented a collision with some inquisitive helicopters. They had probably noticed us on the radar.  We decided to go on in groups of three or four, but before the first ones left I called them back.

"We better go on like we arrived. Now they take us as a group of birds, flying at night.  When we leave in little groups the last won't make it without being seen.' Alice's visions were really helpful. We left together. A few hours later we arrived near a village a mile or so away from Volterra. The whole journey I had heard Edwards thoughts so I knew where to find him. We arrived shortly after the vampires. Some of them had used the opportunity to hunt.  The woods were now missing some dear, a careless poacher and a hiker or two. The wolves were not happy with the situation but Demeter promised a solution for the thirst; the fruit of tree of everlasting life.

I don't know how but Alice had found time to shop. She had a bag for everyone of us with clothes. Her hobby had its benefits.

The sun was just rising. An abandoned camping gave us the ideal place to rest. Emmet and Edward saved the rest of their meal, and brought both a dear with them. They removed the part where they had drunk, leaving us the meat. Roasted on a little campfire it was a feast, the woods nearby provided us with vegetables and herbs. With no huts or tents we changed in cats and climbed in the trees for a good sleep. beneath the tree the wolfs kept watch, sleeping with one eye open. It gave me a safe feeling.

At sunset we woke with the smell of baked buns. We used the facilities of the camping to freshen up and enjoyed another good meal with this strange group.

After breakfast we formed a new circle. We passed on strength and speed, when Jasper and Emmett showed up with a little female vampire.

'We've been near Volterra last night, and we brought you a gift. Say "Hello", Chelsea'

I turned my head with a jerk towards her.  I felt the sting of her power in our shield.  I stood up and held out my hand to greet her.  She smiled scornfully and took my hand intending to crush it. On the moment she touched my skin I saw all the lines that held her en broke them one by one. Loyalty, a sort of love, obligation and a sense of guilt. Surprisingly the last two were stronger than first. The moment I had broken the lines I saw the relief on her face and a line starting from her going to me, making a new bond with 'gratitute'.

'Tel me, Why?' She knew  what I meant but asked me 'How did you do that ?'

'I borrow the gifts of others, couldn't you break you own links?'

'No, It are feelings. You take them with you, take them freely, well normally. And those bonds, you can only break at the expense of your sense of self. What I do, what you did, didn't change the way I view myself, and the bond is gone. Thank you for breaking the obligation Aro putted on me.'

'How did you got that obligation then ? That guilt?'

'Our group, euh I, had made an immortal child. My daughter, she was only five when I turned.  She smelled so good. I really didn't wanted it, but the whole group loved her, fought for her, euh would have fought for her if they had the chance. Alec blinded us all. When I could see again, all that rested of them were piles of ashes, I didn't even knew which pile was my girl. Aro said I didn't wanted it but I would have protected her as much as the others. Aro said there was no blame on me, why did I felt so guilty then? He protected me, never letting me forget. Once every decade he mentioned it. I knew what he did, so subtle, I saw it happening and could not do anything. Aro knew. He loves playing games, well only when he is the winning party.'

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