"It's when teachers tell your parents every bad thing you've done- Forgetting homework, skipping class, staging a protest for better bathroom soap." Leo explains.

"If Perry tells Davenport about the strange things she's seen, he'll know we're using bionics in school and he'll pull us out for sure." Bree gasps.

"Well, then we can't give principal Perry any hard evidence. No one uses their bionics. That means no heat vision, no super strength, and no super speed." Chase orders.

"Well, that's just crazy. I mean, what do you expect me to do, walk?" Bree groans.

"I myself plan to ace parent/teacher night by kissing up to all of my teachers. That way, my mom will let me go to the big concert I've been looking forward to- The Riffraff Jammy Jam!" Leo explains.

"Hold on, where is Mia?" Chase asks.

"Why?" Adam asks.

"Bionics plus Mia equals destruction." Chase gasps.

"Yeah, he's right. Just like bionics plus Chase equals nerd." Bree chuckles.

"I'm serious. We need to find her. Everybody split up." Chase orders before running off in another direction.

"You know this wouldn't be a problem if we replaced Mia with a dog." Leo groans.

"Oh! Ugh! This hotdog's not even hot! And don't get me started on the fact that it's not even a dog!" Adam groans, using his heat vision on his hotdog.

"Hey! No heat vision! Principal Perry is watching us like a hawk!" Chase snaps pointing to the creepy little principal.

"I feel like I've been standing in lines all day! I just want pizza! Not being able to use my super speed whenever I want is killing me!" Bree shouts.

"You think it's hard on you? My bag of cookie bits got stuck in the vending machine. I couldn't call for Adam to shake 'em free." Leo sighs.

"Oh, I love shaking your cookie bits!" Adam chuckles.

"That's it. I'm speeding to the front." Bree says.

"Control yourself, woman! Do something! Shut her off!" Leo shouts as Adam and Chase carry Bree out of the room. "Hey, are those new glasses? It's amazing what they're doing with bifocal fashion." Leo chuckles as Perry strolls over.

"Don't try to butter me up! But if you must know... they're mother of pearl with an onyx trim." Perry says.

"That's great for you! I gotta go!" Leo shouts before running out of the room, not wanting to hear any more details about Perry's glasses.

"Stop it! Put me down! I want pizza!" Bree shouts as Adam and Chase put her down in the hall.

"Well, you're not getting any! Ooh! But I can offer you this half-eaten ice-cold hotdog." Adam says holding out a half-eaten hotdog, making Bree give him a look of disgust.

"Wait a second. What's that noise?" Chase says.

"I don't hear anything." Bree mutters, looking at Chase like he's insane.

"It's coming from that vent." Chase says pointing to a vent just above Leo.

"Leo, watch out!" Bree shouts super speeding towards Leo, just as the ceiling gives out above him. A huge air conditioner falls from the ceiling, causing Adam to use his super strength to put it on the ground safely.

"I'm walking toward the light! It's so peaceful!" Leo gasps as Chase helps him off the floor.

"I believe this belongs to you!" Perry snaps walking in with Mia. "Wait, what did you do to my school?!" Perry gasps.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 4 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 • 𝙻𝚊𝚋 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚜 • Where stories live. Discover now